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Iranian men sentenced to death after being given 15 minutes to defend themselves
This is why people, especially in Europe, see the death sentence as a tabu and inhumane. Simply because there are countries that just do sentence, only to do that, other based on racism factors, other based on financial factors, etc. then obviously the amount of innocent prisioners or killed prisoners is high.
Second: how the death execution is done is huge different from country to country, means you cannot consider as all in one!
The reality? Having a death sentence doesn't mean that you need to use that! Different countries have it, if they need that, but don't use it. Even Canada had it for many years, without using it, before they decided to remove that (but homicides still increased ...)
Plus doing a death sentence to a prisoners who is saying 300% he is a killer / raper without regret or there are perfectly fine proofs (this doesn't mean "someone is confirming that", because such dude could just say bullshit, like many girls are doing with rape) is totally different.
US is changing all that too, decreasing the #, increasing the time between sentence - execution, etc.!
Countries That Have Abolished the Death Penalty Since 1976 https://perma.cc/CKB5-898P
Executions Around the World https://perma.cc/CR3Z-M5YR
Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries https://perma.cc/4Q5S-QFTL
Abolitionist for “Ordinary Crimes” Only
Countries whose laws provide for the death penalty only for exceptional crimes such as crimes under military law or crimes committed in exceptional circumstances
Abolitionist in Practice
Countries which retain the death penalty for ordinary crimes such as murder but can be considered abolitionist in practice in that they have not executed anyone during the past 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions (ex. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SOUTH KOREA)
This is why people, especially in Europe, see the death sentence as a tabu and inhumane. Simply because there are countries that just do sentence, only to do that, other based on racism factors, other based on financial factors, etc. then obviously the amount of innocent prisioners or killed prisoners is high.
Second: how the death execution is done is huge different from country to country, means you cannot consider as all in one!
The reality? Having a death sentence doesn't mean that you need to use that! Different countries have it, if they need that, but don't use it. Even Canada had it for many years, without using it, before they decided to remove that (but homicides still increased ...)
Plus doing a death sentence to a prisoners who is saying 300% he is a killer / raper without regret or there are perfectly fine proofs (this doesn't mean "someone is confirming that", because such dude could just say bullshit, like many girls are doing with rape) is totally different.
US is changing all that too, decreasing the #, increasing the time between sentence - execution, etc.!
Countries That Have Abolished the Death Penalty Since 1976 https://perma.cc/CKB5-898P
Executions Around the World https://perma.cc/CR3Z-M5YR
Abolitionist and Retentionist Countries https://perma.cc/4Q5S-QFTL
Abolitionist for “Ordinary Crimes” Only
Countries whose laws provide for the death penalty only for exceptional crimes such as crimes under military law or crimes committed in exceptional circumstances
Abolitionist in Practice
Countries which retain the death penalty for ordinary crimes such as murder but can be considered abolitionist in practice in that they have not executed anyone during the past 10 years and are believed to have a policy or established practice of not carrying out executions (ex. RUSSIAN FEDERATION, SOUTH KOREA)