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What a brainwash looks like: 😈
to request parole and appeal a rejection, to request a parole again ...
Etter at dommen falt tirsdag opplyser advokaten at han sammen med Breivik er i ferd med å forberede et nytt søksmål mot staten om soningsforholdene.
After the verdict was handed down on Tuesday, the lawyer states that he, together with Breivik, is in the process of preparing a new lawsuit against the state regarding the conditions of the sentence.
– Parallelt med ankesaken vil vi jobbe med et eget søksmål om soningsforholdene. Breivik soner i dag under veldig statiske forhold med isolasjonspreg, og derfor vil vi prøve dette spørsmålet for retten på nytt, sier Øystein Storrvik til NTB.
- In parallel with the appeal case, we will work on a separate lawsuit about the sentencing conditions. Breivik is currently serving time under very static conditions with a touch of isolation, and therefore we will try this question before the court again, says Øystein Storrvik to NTB.
Storrvik anførte i sin prosedyre at soningsforholdene gjør det vanskelig for retten å ta stilling til om Breivik har vist seg tilliten verdig til å få en prøveløslatelse. Han advarte mot at soningsforholdene vil kunne gjøre Breivik farligere på en måte som gjør at det aldri blir mulig å løslate ham.
Storrvik stated in his procedure that the conditions of the sentence make it difficult for the court to decide whether Breivik has proven worthy of the trust to be granted parole. He warned that the terms of his sentence could make Breivik more dangerous in a way that would make it never possible to release him.
In front of open cameras and with the press present, Breivik explained that he was not responsible for the terrorist attack, but that he was brainwashed, when the case was dealt with in court.
It's time to stop all such ridiculous laws available in various countries, where prisoners could get released in 2 seconds ...!
to request parole and appeal a rejection, to request a parole again ...
Etter at dommen falt tirsdag opplyser advokaten at han sammen med Breivik er i ferd med å forberede et nytt søksmål mot staten om soningsforholdene.
After the verdict was handed down on Tuesday, the lawyer states that he, together with Breivik, is in the process of preparing a new lawsuit against the state regarding the conditions of the sentence.
– Parallelt med ankesaken vil vi jobbe med et eget søksmål om soningsforholdene. Breivik soner i dag under veldig statiske forhold med isolasjonspreg, og derfor vil vi prøve dette spørsmålet for retten på nytt, sier Øystein Storrvik til NTB.
- In parallel with the appeal case, we will work on a separate lawsuit about the sentencing conditions. Breivik is currently serving time under very static conditions with a touch of isolation, and therefore we will try this question before the court again, says Øystein Storrvik to NTB.
Storrvik anførte i sin prosedyre at soningsforholdene gjør det vanskelig for retten å ta stilling til om Breivik har vist seg tilliten verdig til å få en prøveløslatelse. Han advarte mot at soningsforholdene vil kunne gjøre Breivik farligere på en måte som gjør at det aldri blir mulig å løslate ham.
Storrvik stated in his procedure that the conditions of the sentence make it difficult for the court to decide whether Breivik has proven worthy of the trust to be granted parole. He warned that the terms of his sentence could make Breivik more dangerous in a way that would make it never possible to release him.
In front of open cameras and with the press present, Breivik explained that he was not responsible for the terrorist attack, but that he was brainwashed, when the case was dealt with in court.
It's time to stop all such ridiculous laws available in various countries, where prisoners could get released in 2 seconds ...!