Let we check laws in Russia
Статья 20
1. Каждый имеет право на жизнь.
2. Смертная казнь впредь до ее отмены может устанавливаться федеральным законом в качестве исключительной меры наказания за особо тяжкие преступления против жизни при предоставлении обвиняемому права на рассмотрение его дела судом с участием присяжных заседателей.
Article 20
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. Until its abolition, the death penalty may be established by federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life, providing the accused with the right to have his case heard by a court with the participation of a jury https://perma.cc/4XKN-AEED
So again, best example that a death sentence can be still available, while homicides are decreasing. A decrease, that is available almost everywhere, no matter if there is or not a death sentence ...
So please, Amnesty / lawyers etc. DON'T TELL BULLSHIT!
About Ukraine
Статья 20
1. Каждый имеет право на жизнь.
2. Смертная казнь впредь до ее отмены может устанавливаться федеральным законом в качестве исключительной меры наказания за особо тяжкие преступления против жизни при предоставлении обвиняемому права на рассмотрение его дела судом с участием присяжных заседателей.
Article 20
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. Until its abolition, the death penalty may be established by federal law as an exceptional measure of punishment for especially serious crimes against life, providing the accused with the right to have his case heard by a court with the participation of a jury https://perma.cc/4XKN-AEED
So again, best example that a death sentence can be still available, while homicides are decreasing. A decrease, that is available almost everywhere, no matter if there is or not a death sentence ...
So please, Amnesty / lawyers etc. DON'T TELL BULLSHIT!
About Ukraine