This still doesn't mean that what AfD is saying is bullshit too, because it's thanks AfD that we got more infos about specific topics, asking the government for more concrete stats related to specific topics, that otherwise are missing ... because only politicians can ask that ...
So maybe they are against immigration at all, discriminate people with their no sense "no Islam, yes Muslim" (that cannot be applied at all and not only because someone is Islamic, means he is a terrorist or criminal), like they do with the nature too, but this still doesn't mean all what as been said is bullshit. Every single thing need to be verified considering multiple point of views, even thinking like a terrorists.
This is the main problem ... People always have their "no criminal / terrorist mentality" without being able to understand why such things happen.
True professional think like criminals, if they want to investigate about crimes ... and understand the reason behind such actions ...
So is important to have such people like AfD too, since even if they are saying shit, they show where problems could be ... what other people instead just ignore at all ...
Breivik did the same too. Again, we don't relate that about what happened after July (no empathy, killing people, etc.) and we don't consider the Islam topic now, since he wrote tons of pages that we haven't read until now ... We are talking about things we read until now ... like things related to the family, the plan behind, abuses he got, etc.
Even correlating stats with things, without knowing the full context, is shit ...
The problem is in such case who said that ... AfD is well know to say bullshit without using facts, so saying that already show that they do it, because they have the same ideas like Breivik, even if maybe they read anything about Breivik, or just in part. Plus reading without verifying what has been said make no sense too ...
In conclusion, we agree in part with this (no matter related to which criminal), but not really in such case, because this has been said by AfD ... again AfD is promoting a lot of shit as facts ...
Remember that even professional and researchers share bullshit! and we already found similar bullshit in the past showing that to the public ...
Most important is always having a neutral evaluation, considering all aspects behind such things.
One thing is sure, what has been written is important for all people working for security department etc. Ignoring such infos will not improve our world ... even related to crimes that get done by similar people ..
Just one thing more. Breivik said he invested 8+ years studying things related to politics / economy ... if this is true or bullshit is another point ... and how this has been done too
Breivik is not the classic "suicide terrorist" too, doing such things just because someone other said to do that ... reason why the whole story requires hours to analyse that properly ...
So maybe they are against immigration at all, discriminate people with their no sense "no Islam, yes Muslim" (that cannot be applied at all and not only because someone is Islamic, means he is a terrorist or criminal), like they do with the nature too, but this still doesn't mean all what as been said is bullshit. Every single thing need to be verified considering multiple point of views, even thinking like a terrorists.
This is the main problem ... People always have their "no criminal / terrorist mentality" without being able to understand why such things happen.
True professional think like criminals, if they want to investigate about crimes ... and understand the reason behind such actions ...
So is important to have such people like AfD too, since even if they are saying shit, they show where problems could be ... what other people instead just ignore at all ...
Breivik did the same too. Again, we don't relate that about what happened after July (no empathy, killing people, etc.) and we don't consider the Islam topic now, since he wrote tons of pages that we haven't read until now ... We are talking about things we read until now ... like things related to the family, the plan behind, abuses he got, etc.
Even correlating stats with things, without knowing the full context, is shit ...
The problem is in such case who said that ... AfD is well know to say bullshit without using facts, so saying that already show that they do it, because they have the same ideas like Breivik, even if maybe they read anything about Breivik, or just in part. Plus reading without verifying what has been said make no sense too ...
In conclusion, we agree in part with this (no matter related to which criminal), but not really in such case, because this has been said by AfD ... again AfD is promoting a lot of shit as facts ...
Remember that even professional and researchers share bullshit! and we already found similar bullshit in the past showing that to the public ...
Most important is always having a neutral evaluation, considering all aspects behind such things.
One thing is sure, what has been written is important for all people working for security department etc. Ignoring such infos will not improve our world ... even related to crimes that get done by similar people ..
Just one thing more. Breivik said he invested 8+ years studying things related to politics / economy ... if this is true or bullshit is another point ... and how this has been done too
Breivik is not the classic "suicide terrorist" too, doing such things just because someone other said to do that ... reason why the whole story requires hours to analyse that properly ...