This is Michel Foucault, an intellectual who is revered like a god in humanities schools around the world. He is the most cited "scholar" in the history of the humanities, and his philosophy is the basis for much of what is going on in the world of today when it comes to liberal progressivism.
Yet something which is rarely mentioned in the mass media and academia, is that he was a vile pedophile who raped many innocent boys in Tunisia while simultaneously preaching about "Anti-colonialism".
He was also a homosexual who knowingly infected many men with AIDS, likely resulting in their deaths. He eventually succumbed to AIDS in 1984.
Despite such vile actions, this man is still taught in universities throughout the world. Billions of dollars of taxpayer money is spent to pollute innocent minds with Foucault's corrupting ideologies, the result being a horde of left-wing college students who are now threatening to dismantle every pillar of a functioning civilization.
Yet something which is rarely mentioned in the mass media and academia, is that he was a vile pedophile who raped many innocent boys in Tunisia while simultaneously preaching about "Anti-colonialism".
He was also a homosexual who knowingly infected many men with AIDS, likely resulting in their deaths. He eventually succumbed to AIDS in 1984.
Despite such vile actions, this man is still taught in universities throughout the world. Billions of dollars of taxpayer money is spent to pollute innocent minds with Foucault's corrupting ideologies, the result being a horde of left-wing college students who are now threatening to dismantle every pillar of a functioning civilization.