Репост из: madava's mansion
The day is coming, it's Haechan's birthday now! Happy Birthday to the full sun a.k.a Haechan a.k.a Lee Donghyuck! I wish him more success in his career, and all his good wishes will be answered. And also happy birthday to all Haechan rp-ers
especially for: Hekal, Ardian, Habin, Aksa, Hamid, Jef, Hagano, Geo, Ares, Hudson, Rasha, Thiago, Abhichandra, Jidan, Nathan, Veksa, Chazio, Gema, Abel, Herza, Candra, Harsa, Haidan, Aji, Keith, Hamesta, Haruchie, Regan, Ibra, Askha, Hagia, Migo, Deiva, Harrison, Denan, Chandri
I hope y'all always give him a lot of support and use him as good as possible.
especially for: Hekal, Ardian, Habin, Aksa, Hamid, Jef, Hagano, Geo, Ares, Hudson, Rasha, Thiago, Abhichandra, Jidan, Nathan, Veksa, Chazio, Gema, Abel, Herza, Candra, Harsa, Haidan, Aji, Keith, Hamesta, Haruchie, Regan, Ibra, Askha, Hagia, Migo, Deiva, Harrison, Denan, Chandri
I hope y'all always give him a lot of support and use him as good as possible.