A Call to All US Patriots. Even if you are not an AZ resident, make your voice heard & vote count.
"Dear Arizona Officials,
This audit affects a national election and therefore the vote of every citizen.
We demand a complete & legitimate forensic audit of the machines and ballots by the State Senate, not the sham audit proposed by the Board of Supervisors.
The country is watching and has waited long enough."
nbarto@azleg.gov, sborrelli@azleg.gov, pboyer@azleg.gov, Kfann@azleg.gov, dgowan@azleg.gov, rgray@azleg.gov, vleach@azleg.gov, dlivingston@azleg.gov, jmendez@azleg.gov, tpace@azleg.gov, wpetersen@azleg.gov, wrogers@azleg.gov, tshope@azleg.gov, ktownsend@azleg.gov, mugenti-rita@azleg.gov, Stephen@RicherForRecorder.com,
chucris@mail.maricopa.gov, sellersj@mail.maricopa.gov, district3@mail.maricopa.gov, district5@mail.maricopa.gov, chickman@mail.maricopa.gov, Doug.ducey@azgovernor.gov, engage@az.gov, mark.brnovich@azag.gov, aginfo@azag.gov, elections@azsos.gov, khobbs@azsos.gov
"Dear Arizona Officials,
This audit affects a national election and therefore the vote of every citizen.
We demand a complete & legitimate forensic audit of the machines and ballots by the State Senate, not the sham audit proposed by the Board of Supervisors.
The country is watching and has waited long enough."
nbarto@azleg.gov, sborrelli@azleg.gov, pboyer@azleg.gov, Kfann@azleg.gov, dgowan@azleg.gov, rgray@azleg.gov, vleach@azleg.gov, dlivingston@azleg.gov, jmendez@azleg.gov, tpace@azleg.gov, wpetersen@azleg.gov, wrogers@azleg.gov, tshope@azleg.gov, ktownsend@azleg.gov, mugenti-rita@azleg.gov, Stephen@RicherForRecorder.com,
chucris@mail.maricopa.gov, sellersj@mail.maricopa.gov, district3@mail.maricopa.gov, district5@mail.maricopa.gov, chickman@mail.maricopa.gov, Doug.ducey@azgovernor.gov, engage@az.gov, mark.brnovich@azag.gov, aginfo@azag.gov, elections@azsos.gov, khobbs@azsos.gov