Authenticity Russian Nazbol Archive

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The Authenticity blog's Russian National Bolshevik Archive.

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My question is who cares? Your a pro Russian channel that supposes to be covering the Russian perspective on Donbass not what peoples views on race mixing are. A question that will clearly divide everyone on and create more division then unity amongst Pro Russian anti-liberal groups and supporters.

Репост из: Defenders of Donbass / Защитники Донбасса 🅉
First article on google is a government article saying it's bad, second article is Zionists freaking out lmao

Did an interview with former member of The Other Russia on modern National Bolshevism and other issues.

Репост из: Authenticity/ The Syndicalist Papers Blog
Left National Bolshevism" impressed Leon Trotsky most of all, and Agursky rightly remarks that it is high time to put the question: "Is Trotsky a lion like that?" It was Trotsky who in his book "Literature and Revolution" speaks very positively about "fellow travelers" and representatives of "Scythianism", whose pathos fully resonates with the revolutionary spirit of Trotsky himself. In a sense, even the theory of "permanent revolution" and the idea of ​​"exporting it to the West" is not so contrary to the messianic tendencies of the supporters of "national barbarism." In addition, purely pragmatically, national Bolshevism allows Trotsky to consolidate his power in the party and in the army, relying on the national spirit and resorting to direct appeals to the patriotic feelings of the Great Russians. Already at this stage, his consistent opponent is Zinoviev, who, however, He does not accept only Great Russian National Bolshevism, but, being the head of the Comintern, he treats German National Bolshevism and even Left Nazism with pragmatic sympathy. In addition, Lenin himself took the Smenovekhism extremely positively, although it is difficult to say for sure what was more in this regard - pragmatic Machiavellian calculation or real sympathy for "mystical nihilism."

- Alexander Dugin

Репост из: NazBol Revolution
Happy birthday to Comrade Lenin!

"We shall not achieve socialism without a struggle. But we are ready to fight, we have started it and we shall finish it with the aid of the apparatus called the Soviets."

Source: Third All-Russia Congress Of Soviets Of Workers’, Soldiers’ And Peasants’ Deputies. Delivered January 14, 1918 (O.S.). Lenin’s Collected Works, Progress Publishers, Moscow, Volume 26, 1972, pages 453-482


Pyotr Suvchinsky was one of the orginal Eurasianist who help develop the idea back in the 1920s.

Also found Ernst Niekish conversation with Bentio Mussolini and will publish that in the near future as well.

Will probably release another Ustryalov writing tonight or tomorrow sometime. Its will be Ustryalov letter to one of the Eurasianist writers

What Nikolay Ustryalov writing do you want to see next?
  •   Ustryalov letter to the Eurasianist
  •   The Concept of the State
  •   Patriotica
  •   Our Times (a collection of different articles)
  •   Under the Sign of Revolution (book)
  •   Something else from the archive that isn't by Ustryalov
24 голосов

Репост из: Authenticity/ The Syndicalist Papers Blog
Any retarded terrorist from the Red Brigades or the RAF is a hundred times more interesting than most European "traditionalists".
Lenin is a tragic and powerful Angel, one of the Angels of the Apocalypse, spilling the terrible contents of the final cup on the insane Earth. The angel of the last winds... The angel of blood and pain...
I think Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was a little Eurasian Avatar. He wanted to stop time and open the cycle of the Eternal Return. He was our Lenin. But he is dead. You killed him. You and I.

Репост из: Authenticity/ The Syndicalist Papers Blog
At this stage, the pro-Soviet positions of the Eurasianists and the National Bolsheviks became quite clear and close to me. They became the only positions supported by history, while orthodox communist constructions or White Guard myths were obviously untenable and contradicted by history.
Incidentally, political history has also belied Evola's predictions about the triumph of the Soviets as the fourth caste. Evolianism demanded a revision. The theoretical basis of such a review was presented in my speech at the academic conference in Rome, dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of Evola's death. Today it has become an integral part of traditionalist research (my thesis "Evola: Seen from the Left" is cited in new Italian reprints of Evola, in the works of Professor Giorgio Galli, and is the subject of discussion in many traditionalist circles). I exposed this theme in my article "Julius Evola and Russian Traditionalism", which is available in French and Italian versions.
Thus, the name Lenin changed its meaning. I think the story just happened in such a way that this new meaning came out on its own. It is indicative that even a hyper-reactionary and anti-communist as fierce as Geidar Dzhemal has recently devoted some warm lines to Lenin.
The mutation of Vladimir Lenin's metaphysical quality is an objective fact. When his skull stopped being sucked, like a lucrative candy, by filthy mobs drawn (finally) into the desolation of the sewers of "liberal reforms", the characteristics of a continental Titan began to appear on the horizon of the secret line of things.
A Titan who has lost his way, a strange Titan possessed by a great force, Starke von Oben , a Eurasian magical dwarf who has declared an unthinkable and impossible jihad in the web of the global percentage, in the world of exploiters of financial entropy and oppressive vice, and ...and... triumphantly won the great fight.
Lenin smashed the Philistine's brain, razed the stock market and banks, completely exterminated the lingering pre-revolutionary worms (the Gusinskis and Berezovskis of the day), turned stratified and alienated late Romanov Russia, built on the dead bodies of the old believers, upside down. , pawned and repainted for European nullities, etc.
Lenin mobilized the nation into total upheaval. Yes, it was bloody, but blood is inherent in the birth of all things. Yes, it was allegorical, but the ideological discourse of Tradition has already for many centuries been forced to disguise itself in dubious compromise formulas, otherwise kali-yúgic humanity would simply not understand at all, as it has become monotonous and bestialized beyond measure. .
However, a new understanding of Lenin and Leninism is not an easy job. The vulgarity of mere nostalgia or thoughtless dogmatism would be as out of place as the vulgar preaching of the anti-Soviet (incidentally, the anti-Soviet of today is the most disgusting of the Soviet of yesterday; it is no accident that true dissidents and true fighters against the regime have never able to occupy any position of importance in the political hierarchy). The new Leninism must be perceived in a magical, Eurasian, eschatological and geopolitical way.
He is a solemn and sad figure, a subtle maniac, through whom the unbridled winds of the Continent blow. Rebellious, restless, mobile, cunning, dazed, rapaciously carnal, with half a brain and small piercing eyes, he is more vital and perfect than any athlete or orator, more vivid, sublime and idealistic than any demagogue of "idealism" or "traditionalism". In Europe, I met many Guenonians and Evolians. Some of them were careless schizophrenics, others conformist, politically correct philistines (many work in banks, while others teach the basics of marketing). They are a bunch of misfits, incapable of original thought, action, terrorist acts, or any actual historical action of the slightest importance. The only thing they do is whine,

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