
Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
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for mutuals and asking: @BagelensBot.
note: hfw tiap pukul 19.00 WIB setiap hari.

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3 menit lagi yuk yuk

Close 30 menit lagi, l.o masih 100k nih. Yuk ikut offer nya, terus bawa pulang sullyoon cantik nya deh 🫶🏻

@varklee up for sale ya, price ada di ch available nego juga.

@Sullygoon close today! L.O masih under 100k, yuk up L.O nyaa

Jangan lupa ikut offer @sullygoon, besok (19 Mei 2022) close lohh, l.o masih under 100 nih. Yakali ga di gas sullyoon nya buat dibawa pulang 👼🏻🤍

Репост из: archuven :: zoe >.
┈─ 𖧷 Within the personages soaring high through the zephyr, clasps epitome o' the coolness within each steps trudged to retrieve from delinquency; and they had escort personages into the safest pied-a-terre denominated below :

       ✦ @Beomoyu@Beomoyu

✫ This username is materialized based on BEOMGYU from TXT.
✫ With the substitution of letter O to G.
✫ Payment is done first to prevent the act of Hit and Run, make sure that you are serious so does to give your funds on the section proffered.
✫ The amount of offer commences from 13K with the kb of 2K make sure that you dispatch yourself that it starts on 18 May, and will end at 22 may 12.00 WIB.
✫ For any questions, make sure that you leave messages to the auxiliary affirmed, @ZohaJo.
✫ Payment methods are only accessible for the sundry via DANA, GOPAY, SPAY, QRIS (+RATE).

dukung divisi bagelens utk mmbuat art commis moodboard scribbles dll yes or no
  •   yEaaaaHHH CPTTTTAN
  •   kayak opsi 1 tapi ini yang versi 2
13 голосов


YEUU 😭😭 Nitip @ Aeri, Jijel


kecuali kalo ada usn injun ufs jangan malu malu yah chat aja @bagelensbot siapa tau khilaf :p

Semangat kerja, nanti bagelen proofneeds muncul

udah boroooooossssssssss minggu ini :D

Репост из: Неизвестно
aku gamau jajan usn lagi habis ini


Tmntmn jangan lupa ikut offer nya yaa! L.O nya masih under 100 nih, masa username cantik di anggurin :0

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