Really sad how Italy continue to spam Telegram and Pavel Durov is DOING NOTHING! against such problematic.
Like he haven't deleted rape channels, but just few, he continues to allow all such admins shit. Using the war to promote their porno channels ... like they do with tons of other topics just to promote their pedo or porno channels (or other illegal / spamming things).
Would be time that Pavel Durov wakes up!
Ok freedom of speech and not deleting things, but if spam / fraud / serious criminality is not involved!
Like he haven't deleted rape channels, but just few, he continues to allow all such admins shit. Using the war to promote their porno channels ... like they do with tons of other topics just to promote their pedo or porno channels (or other illegal / spamming things).
Would be time that Pavel Durov wakes up!
Ok freedom of speech and not deleting things, but if spam / fraud / serious criminality is not involved!