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Гео и язык канала
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so many things happen since we open our eyes to morning light.😊

lovely❤️, busy😢, happiness😁, sometimes mistaken and wrong way through sadly trouble😢, and even nothingness😞 comes everyday.

we don't even know how we could pass it in a day🤷‍♂, but we wish that whatever it is, we will finish in that day.

then whatever it takes in a whole day, we just miss a sweet word to please them...,:

" good night dear, sweet dream, I love you all ."😘😘❤️❤️

I said i'd catch you if you fall, and if they laugh fu** them all.
And then i got you off your knees
Put you right back on your feet
Just so you can take advantage of me

Missed it soo much💔💔




I'm tired of thinking about you.
Soooo tired 🥀💔

I'm all yours. Everything I am, everything I have is yours... My sole existence belongs to you and only you.🔐


Just fuck her because she take me for granted.
I don't want to see her anymore.
I don't want to hear anything from her.
I don' want to have anything that related to her.

Fuck off.
I hope she dying inside while she still alive.


You'll never break
my heart in two
but even if you do
when it heals it
still beats for you
I know it's forward
but it's true............

Fault in our stars
Still now best movie ever❣

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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