Репост из: Pasukan Tiwai
Something that draws attention's hard in the direction of beat in addition to; plus hard in the direction of reach. Looking in consequence of the fact that a MANAGER in the direction of exist a part from us. However, us also be in possession some requirements the u must fulfill before becoming a part from us;
I. We accept whole quantity characters, liners, in addition to; plus whole quantity genders.
II. Make sure the u container, usually metallic exist responsible in consequence of the fact that your duties. Container, usually metallic mingle, in addition to; plus container, usually metallic keep our secrets.
III. Us don't accept clones, spies in addition to; fake accounts. Provided that u exist part from individual from ones us mentioned.
Thank you in consequence of the fact that reading three things above. Provided that u container, usually metallic exist responsible in addition to; plus intend in the direction of exist part from us, please LAT in contact; @PasukanTiwai_Bot.
I. We accept whole quantity characters, liners, in addition to; plus whole quantity genders.
II. Make sure the u container, usually metallic exist responsible in consequence of the fact that your duties. Container, usually metallic mingle, in addition to; plus container, usually metallic keep our secrets.
III. Us don't accept clones, spies in addition to; fake accounts. Provided that u exist part from individual from ones us mentioned.
Thank you in consequence of the fact that reading three things above. Provided that u container, usually metallic exist responsible in addition to; plus intend in the direction of exist part from us, please LAT in contact; @PasukanTiwai_Bot.