Pseudomonas’ billet; {open}

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@BilletArsip @BilletTesti

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mutuals, thanks to all of you who have helped me forward this message. boleh di hapus yaa, karena slot diskon nya sudaah habiiis.

Репост из: negativerizz; open! buy1get1.

thirty-three ..

[secrecy thick’ notes]— unlocked catalogue availability; love ploting chapter.

soooo! disini aku punya yang baru buat billieeess, aku sekarang nyediain jasa bikin ploting telegraph kayaaak gini ya. cocok buat hadiah mensivery atau anniversary samaaa lover kalian, ini salah satu example love plot simple yang aku tulis, start price nya 30,000 sampai dengan 60,000 yaaa. there is a price there is quality, alias aku bikinnyaaa emang butuh effort yaaah!

𖤝. candlelight umbrella in shellby love.

The interlocking bell, phraseses until it's at the edge plainspokenness of some of the quietiest cherishedess place, the two sovereignty feet with the slipper walk contemporaneously’ for sure, it's hellenna and fazan. The beginning of the story is written and made out, in the solitude that beckons them to each other that winter. they walk with their own broken selves. night after night passes to form with creation, dancing love.

—. Saving plainspokenness.

haaappy 200 foor @caveur baayik maanisss 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

[secrecy thick’ notes]— billies, akuuu bakalaaaan welcome kok untuk kalian yang masih bingung untuk mendeskripsikan atau menentukan temaaa wording yang mau di pesan, bisa diskusi sama akuu yaa buat tema yang cocok for wording purpose yang kalian butuhin. example for asking: “hellennaa, aku masih bingung nih sama tema yang mau ditentuiin buat pinned personal channel ku, aku pengen diaa yang cantik terus ada unsur feminine classy nyaa, kira-kira bagusnya ngambil konsep apa yaaa?” jaaaddi ini free-consultation wording purpose dengan catatan, harus menyertakan what wording is needed, and the image you want for your wordiiiinnngg yaaaa

࿙‌࿚..𖤝.. ࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚..𖤝.. ࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚࿙‌࿚..𖤝.. ࿙‌࿚

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ࿙͝࿚࿙͝࿚..𖤝.. ࿙͝࿚࿙͝࿚
Pseudomonas; on catechism
luminescence synergy that have to legislature’ m-ethy by the martinet demoralised elicit.

engrossment of many discounts
utter the amidst an incandescent aptitude apropos, sinister illustration to of regulation;

i. get a discount of 3,000 for
wording purchases above 10,000.
(limited and not valid for long)
ii. get a discount 2,000 for
wording purchases above 8,000
iii. get a discount coupon of
1,000 for every purchase at here.

.. plethorahannas o’exonerated the shining is excitement that awareness the majesty’ chosen by the phlebotomize consciousness; into our extraordinarily advantageous new presence. asylumathically with flower predetermined in that tree incandescent, lachrymose that overshadows efflorescence assemblage in; @minaomyoui.

ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
࿙͝࿚࿙͝࿚..𖤝.. ࿙͝࿚࿙͝࿚

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billieeesss-ssseeeeu, the billet is still opeeeeeeeennn yaa :> for every wording purpose... for friendly reminder sebelum ngirim format atau detail worrddding kaliaaan, kalooo bisa cantumin sudut pandang orang keberaapa nya yaaa di wording atau formatnyaaa, biar aku nya teu bingung bingung bangettt. dan yang pakai foto bisa kasih tau highlight nya mau dimana ajaaaa, biar alurnya sama apa yang di bayangin sama kalian yaaa. drop foto boleh satu atau dua doang, tapi usahain fotonya jangan yang plek ketiplek orang doang yaa. kalo bisa ada referensi lain yang sekiranya menurut kalian cocok!!! 😄♥️♥️. thaaaaaatssssolll, haaapyy shopping

Репост из: Pseudomonas’ billet; {open}
gracious morning billies. i'm open now. you can send orders to now, this stupendous morning, let's make yourself even more resplendent utopian with the wording ordered here. psychedelic rhytm primordial nymphette beguiling betwixt amidst philosophy enlightenment conscientious efflorescence on’; Terms and condition, catalogue, biography telegram ready, format if needed, businesss package. you can send the format as long as there is no announcement of the close of the grocery

ㅤ 𝅄𖤝. DEITY— righteous [IX]
seductiveness on; beauteousness.

“Outrecuidance with that tremendous all magnitude making an omnipresence beauty commemorated and stamped ink.”

hypocritical jublinations ceaselessly meteorologicalisic appealing swelleding acquiring consecrated subconscious contrivances exquisiteness mystiquettes whoseloves clangorous embellishments thoughtfulness demiurge polysyllabic; part of’ package wording-needs..

{business-channels’ package}; pinned channel, description channels, subsforsubs wording, take orders wording, terms and condition, announcement open and close the store, and one free requested.

— short package business 19,000 IDR. {short; pinned channel, terms and condition, one free requested. short; announcement open and close the store, description channels, subsforsubs wording, take orders wording.}
— medium package business 27,000 IDR {medium; pinned channel, terms and condition, one free requested. short — medium; announcement open and close the store, description channels, subsforsubs wording, take orders wording.}
— long package business 43,000 IDR {long; pinned channel, terms and condition, one free requested. medium; announcement open and close the store, description channels, subsforsubs wording, take orders wording.}

𖤝. format business-channels package.

ㅤ 𝅄𖤝. DEITY— righteous [IX]
seductiveness on; beauteousness.

Outrecuidance with that tremendous all magnitude making an omnipresence beauty commemorated and stamped ink.

ㅤ beauteousness’ oeilladescintillate sylphidesst boustrophedon camaraderie phosphorescence idiosyncrasy crosscurrents in’; new regulation on— reminder billet It's bilingual if you can understand it, so there's no reason not to be literate.

i. before ordering, it's a good idea to look at the pricelistesse, see the tnc, catalogue, format if necessary. that has been applied in this grocery properly. I've laid it out clearly yes, if any misunderstandings have occurred, i'm not responsible. {trans: sebelum memesan, ada baiknya kalian melihat daftar harga, lihat juga ketentuan yang berlaku, katalog, format jika perlu saja yaa. tolong jika sudah kalian semestinya menaati peraturan yang telah diterapkan di toko ini dengan benar. disini sudah dijelaskan dengan maksimal, jika terjadi kesalahpahaman, kita tidak bertanggung jawab.}

ii. please always explain all the sides in detail for any part of the wording, especially if you don't use the format listed. it's okay not to use the format that has been attached, can you explain what you want, if the details are not in your format or explanation, revisions are carried out a maximum of three times, unless there is an error from Hellenna directly. {trans: mohon untuk selalu menjelaskan semua sisinya dengan detail untuk bagian wording apapun itu, terlebih jika kalian ngga pake format yang tertera. nggapapa untuk ngga pakai format yang udah di lampirkan, bisa kalian jelasin sesuai dengan apa yang kalian mau, kalau detail ngga ada di format ataupun penjelasan kamu, revisi maksimal dilakukan tiga kali, terkecuali kalau ada kesalahan dari hellenna-nya langsung.}

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