Hy guys welcome to this page i got this idea from news china hackers attack our teachnolgy company by using social enginering and link exploit example they send mail to our indian company like- hey sir we need help can you go to this website and help us and then boom the virus exicute in the background . so beff tool help us to make exploit link it is preinstalled iin kali linux and this is my one of my favourite article i will tell in network attack if you want to do out of network then forward your port in this tutorial i will teach you in the network bco i don,t have router and open vpn gui . let, start
▪️1 - Open terminal and type location of your bee file like- cd/desktop/beef/-xss and after you selcted loaction hit enter
▪️2-Type- ./beef . this command is used to run beef
▪️3 After running it will show you your local system ip adders named UI URL: copy that adders rom it we can see that our victim has browsed our virus web or not so note it done
▪️5- Paste that ip in your broweser after that beed website will open enter this pass- beef and pass is also beef
▪️6- After that it will show all your panels online and pannel browser
▪️7- Minimise that terminal and open new terminal
▪️8- We have to create a page first follow my steps go to this directery - cd/var/www/html. enter it now our temminal is in this location and type ls and enter
▪️9- There are two files in this folder we have to remove let me tell you ho to remove type - rm ((and file name)) and enter and delete both files
▪️10- Now we have to create a html file so type this command- nano index.html and press enter
▪️11- Now we are in the html editor now give any website code or make own if you know programing just chane tittle as your name and change ip that beef give hook url just it will in java .jv paste in script srs
▪️12- Now save it by pressing cotrol+x and type y and it will be saved
▪️13- Now we have to start the apache server so type this command- service apache2 start . and enter our apache server is started
▪️14- Done now we just have to send hook url to to victim
▪️15- Now open url ip that i say yout o save open it in web it will ask pass enter beef and beef now it will show online victims just go in it and do whatever you want
⭕️ @Blackhat_001
Hy guys welcome to this page i got this idea from news china hackers attack our teachnolgy company by using social enginering and link exploit example they send mail to our indian company like- hey sir we need help can you go to this website and help us and then boom the virus exicute in the background . so beff tool help us to make exploit link it is preinstalled iin kali linux and this is my one of my favourite article i will tell in network attack if you want to do out of network then forward your port in this tutorial i will teach you in the network bco i don,t have router and open vpn gui . let, start
▪️1 - Open terminal and type location of your bee file like- cd/desktop/beef/-xss and after you selcted loaction hit enter
▪️2-Type- ./beef . this command is used to run beef
▪️3 After running it will show you your local system ip adders named UI URL: copy that adders rom it we can see that our victim has browsed our virus web or not so note it done
▪️5- Paste that ip in your broweser after that beed website will open enter this pass- beef and pass is also beef
▪️6- After that it will show all your panels online and pannel browser
▪️7- Minimise that terminal and open new terminal
▪️8- We have to create a page first follow my steps go to this directery - cd/var/www/html. enter it now our temminal is in this location and type ls and enter
▪️9- There are two files in this folder we have to remove let me tell you ho to remove type - rm ((and file name)) and enter and delete both files
▪️10- Now we have to create a html file so type this command- nano index.html and press enter
▪️11- Now we are in the html editor now give any website code or make own if you know programing just chane tittle as your name and change ip that beef give hook url just it will in java .jv paste in script srs
▪️12- Now save it by pressing cotrol+x and type y and it will be saved
▪️13- Now we have to start the apache server so type this command- service apache2 start . and enter our apache server is started
▪️14- Done now we just have to send hook url to to victim
▪️15- Now open url ip that i say yout o save open it in web it will ask pass enter beef and beef now it will show online victims just go in it and do whatever you want
⭕️ @Blackhat_001