୨୧ ۰ ۪۫۫ Bovoir Feill - OPEENNN ༉‧₊

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“ Strains 🎻 (/) of the karsa that quadruped in the sphere's always glimpse ahead to. ” 𖡨 —Endeavor strain's of the melody— that chaperones scheme to the golden shop that ruthville gracefully, generality would've thought that stunned upon entering it.

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akuuu udaah open kembali yaa! yang mauuu jajan boleh langsung kirim form ke @wyarmth okeiii

dun diving yaaa muts🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

Репост из: ✨ HOROSCOPE ENT
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       。      。                    ✧    ゚
{To all beloved business mutuals, please spread this message to the channel that you have}

The galaxy always radiates beauty in outer space. With the absence of oxygen and the various shapes and types of it makes us very attracted to outer space. Especially when we enjoy its beauty in this world through a clear night sky, stars are scattered everywhere and the moon emits light that comes from the sun. Very suitable for couples who like the world of outer space or who are often called astrophies.

So, this is where we all want to inform you that we will officially open in HOROSCOPE ENT, where we have an open daily system. For that immediately choose your partner to enjoy the beauty of outer space together.

[for my lovely moots, if you saw this message please hfw! 🤍]

     ‌‌ The beautiful white clouds that adorn the sky, and yellow sun which bright. Enjoy the pleasure of a cup of coffee and the smell of perfume, here's @Incaantation who provide many items for your needs and this store can make you addicted to shoping is OFFICIALY OPEN ‼️

     ‌‌   𖡋·˖‌ Regulation
     ‌‌ 𖡋·˖‌ Catalogue
𖡋·˖‌ Profneeds Ready
𖡋·˖‌ Testiemonial
𖡋·˖‌ Contact Order

     ‌‌ Let's find your needs in INCANTATION and choose an item because we make all catalogue item will not drain your pocket, they're cheap yet have great qualities. This is a nice day, we'll be waiting for your order! If you wanna order some needs, you can contact @Ghiselle first. Happy shopping, sweetheart! 🫶🏼

Репост из: Eureth, Soon.
[ ✿ ۫ 𓂂 Dear my beloved moots who see this message, please help me share this message to your business channel. Thanks a bunch!! ]

🍂. A zephyr's caressed her lovely skin. We as an admin of @eureth, declare that @eureth officially made they're debut and open on July 1, 2023 at 8AM, on a peaceful day and in a wonderful ambiance. As a result, to commemorate @eureth's debut, we decided to offer to our customers all ready stocks moodboards && wording that cost only Rp1,000 at @eureth! and for customs moodboard & wording, I offer a Rp3,000 price reduction from the original cost, minimum purchase of Rp5,000. below that, is still charged the normal fee! Isn't that an intriguing deal? So, let hurry ahead and place our orders! The promotion runs for three days only, from July 1 to July 3.

Before take the order, please read our regulations first! and if you all have a any question, just go to
@PrettierJ or @Eurethbot for ask your question.

Репост из: 𝐅erelithe City ; 24H.
[ to all my sweetest mutual 🎀 please help me forward this message ] DOUCERIE DISCOUNT !!!! 🚑🚨🚨💸💸👋👋💟💟📞📞

HALLOO! @Doucerie balik weekday ini dengan membawakan promoo yang sangatt meriah! let's go cekk kami ngadain diskon apa aja nih 😋😋😚😚😙😙.

I. SPECIALL DISCOUNT 20% Untuk jasa rapihin CH all catalog and all pricelist.

II. SPECIAL DISCOUNT 10% Untuk wording seluruh catalog and all pricelist.

III. SPECIAL DISCOUNT 5% Untuk moodboard custom all catalog and all pricelist, free custom 1 mb lagi YEAY.

Walaupun discount tetep bisa inrush dan jadi di hari yang sama tanpa harus nunggu lama lamaaa ya😜😜😜. Bebas request tentunyaaa, kami pasti akan memberikan result yang sesuai dengan keinginan anda manis🤩💸

DISCOUNT DARI TANGGAL 26 JUNI — 2 JULI YAA JADI TERBATAS BANGET NIH WAKTUNYA. DAN SLOT NYA JUGA TIPISS, ayo tunggu apalagi? Cepetan kirim form ke @MingyuKdm. Untuk pertanyaan dan lainnya ke @mingyukdm juga yaaa, terimakasii see you at @Doucerie teman teman. ( TESTIMONIAL 600+ @proofcerie, berdiri sejak 2021 ).❤️

heheheh, pagikkk yang mau ordeerrr seperti biasa bisa kirim form ke @wyarmth yaaa💕💕💕

selamat pagiii semuaaa, happy eid al-adha bagi yaangg merayakann💗

@philicy inii jugaakkkk camat 600s yayayaaaaaa🫶🏻

@CezoStore waaaahhhh camat 200 penduduk yeaaaaaa💕💕

Репост из: labuio ; open!
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Смотреть в Telegram
[ get a good impression to get respect from everyone, especially to our mutuals who want to be kind enough to attach this message as well as notification ]

it should be noted that @labuio will hold an official event which will be held as the opening of the store on May 25, 2023, at 19.00 WIB to be exact.

limited purchase and value your chance to attach it inside @yawno. greetings from the workers!

ㅤㅤ terms and conditions
ㅤㅤ the beloved artworks
ㅤㅤ bourgeois letters:

 ⓒ labu studio

akuuu sudaa diving yaaa, kalo misal ada yg belum ke hfw boleeh ke bot @feillsbot okeiii makasiieeee💕💕

Репост из: Cezo Store
[ for mutuals, can you help with forwarding messages to your channel?? Thank You ]

hello friends, with great hope I want new mutuals for more business friends and to be able to interact with my business friends. I accept all BA types as long as they are active and like interaction even though it's still coming soon, so let's be mutual @CezoStore

if you are interested in quality with my BA store, you can contact @MutualCezobot and don't forget to fill in your data t.me/sfscezo. Thank you for those who are interested in mutual with me, have a nice day Cezories 💗💗

@vacheerin ini jugakkk camat 500s🥳🥳

Репост из: FAIRYTHÉ ⋆゚⊹ debut soon
{ To all my mutual business, can you help forward this message to your business channel and your bot? Thanks a lot! } ..𖦞

waah camat 100 penduduk @deutsych

Репост из: ࣭ ˟ ɣ ֑ ٞ ˖ Sya's Wording﹢𓄹 ִ ׂ 𖧡 ۫ ࣭
𓏲࣪ In the m'rning a princess did dress as goddess traces the kingdom and heads to h'r garden with floweth'rs, using the key the lady endues, unlocks the secret doth'r yond is inside the garden. ᝰ @Wornding is the princess 'favourite lodging. ༊ Wearing h'r typical pink shoes, the fragrant scent of floweth'rs on h'r corse, with a clump of floweth'rs already on h'r casket in h'r handeth, and the locketh of the doth'r to a quite quaint lodging in h'r quaint dresseth container. ᨳ᭬

                  Welcometh to Sya's Wording

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Term & Conditions ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the rules of the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Catalogue  ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the listeth did provide by the princess ). ୭‌ 

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫  Owneth'r ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's contact listeth ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Result Wording ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the princess's w'rding results ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Wording Ready ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth the currently available listeth of ingredients madeth by the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Payment ⌯ ( tapeth h'r for the payment the princess provides ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Format ⌯ ( taps h're to 'rd'r something from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Discount ⌯ ( taps h're to seeth something spesial from the princess ). ୭‌

❀۪۪۪۫۫۫ Testimonie ⌯ ( tapeth h're to seeth evidence of the princess's s'rvice to h'r people ). ୭‌

𔘓 A secret lodging did fill with a quite quaint view of heaven f'r the princess. ꧞ Enjoying @wornding beauty. ៸៸

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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