So, Roy Bucher refused to invade Junagarh as well. So, what exactly was his mandate? He refused to invade Hyderabad, he coaxed Nehru to go to UN on Kashmir and now, Junagarh?
Reading this, I am not surprised that Roy Bucher threatened to resign when Patel ordered invasion of Hyderabad. And Patel told go to hell. And that also makes one wonder what would have happened had Patel handled JK in place of Nehru.
(Kashmir: Its Aborigines and Their Exodus)
Reading this, I am not surprised that Roy Bucher threatened to resign when Patel ordered invasion of Hyderabad. And Patel told go to hell. And that also makes one wonder what would have happened had Patel handled JK in place of Nehru.
(Kashmir: Its Aborigines and Their Exodus)