⚓️ New Object: Ship Graveyard
🚢 What secrets lie within the rusting remains of ships resting on the shore? You can find out in the City Buildings section, where the new object — Ship Graveyard — is now available. This site preserves tales of adventures, battles, and lost treasures, turning them into an open-air museum.
💡 Legendary ship graveyards exist around the world. For example, the coast of Nouadhibou in Mauritania is home to over 300 abandoned vessels. Today, such places not only preserve maritime history but also provide habitats for marine life, forming artificial reefs.
🌊 Build a Ship Graveyard in your city to evoke an atmosphere of mystery and adventure.
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🚢 What secrets lie within the rusting remains of ships resting on the shore? You can find out in the City Buildings section, where the new object — Ship Graveyard — is now available. This site preserves tales of adventures, battles, and lost treasures, turning them into an open-air museum.
💡 Legendary ship graveyards exist around the world. For example, the coast of Nouadhibou in Mauritania is home to over 300 abandoned vessels. Today, such places not only preserve maritime history but also provide habitats for marine life, forming artificial reefs.
🌊 Build a Ship Graveyard in your city to evoke an atmosphere of mystery and adventure.
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