Due to @Telegram's privacy policy, I declare that I'm not the real Jeon Ji-min this channel was made for roleplaying purposes only and doesn't have any relations with Jeon Ji-min. All media or content that i posted comes from social media like pinterest, instagram, twitter, etc.
DSI/DNI : If you're two faced, cheating, nonchara, homophobic, racist, disrespectful, problematic, grammar police and the other negative things.
BYI/BYS : This channel will be filled with random content and sometimes will contain with broken english, harshwords, rl tingy, LGBTQ+, jametie words, I like to use CAPSLOCK, grammatical errors, wrong spelling, incorrect sentences, typo a lot and i use lo-gue or aku-kamu depending on my mood. So, if you feel uncomfortable with this channel, feel free to unsubscribe. But, you must remove me (Sheaciè) from your channel.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Due to @Telegram's privacy policy, I declare that I'm not the real Jeon Ji-min this channel was made for roleplaying purposes only and doesn't have any relations with Jeon Ji-min. All media or content that i posted comes from social media like pinterest, instagram, twitter, etc.
DSI/DNI : If you're two faced, cheating, nonchara, homophobic, racist, disrespectful, problematic, grammar police and the other negative things.
BYI/BYS : This channel will be filled with random content and sometimes will contain with broken english, harshwords, rl tingy, LGBTQ+, jametie words, I like to use CAPSLOCK, grammatical errors, wrong spelling, incorrect sentences, typo a lot and i use lo-gue or aku-kamu depending on my mood. So, if you feel uncomfortable with this channel, feel free to unsubscribe. But, you must remove me (Sheaciè) from your channel.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ