Moments Of Falling In Love.

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@TheJourneysOf a love story does not always go as desired, everything can change at any time. Therefore, for all the stories that have happened, I will keep them here, as the most beautiful memories that will either last forever or disappear. @MuyungBot.

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Репост из: Komplek Cendana Indah.
Say the name, Seventeen! Hello, this is Cendana Indah. We are currently looking for our missing bandmates, Lee Dokyeom. No twins allowed, make sure its your fix muse, no mulchar or temporary swap, no two face, spy and silent readers. Talkaktive and people who are easy to get along will get an A+! If you're interested, kindly contact our bot. See you!

Hai, mampir yuk? Kebetulan gua muncul sebagai tokoh.

The scintillates moon has demonstrated its yield aloft the firmament. Panegyrizing the whole embodiment of remarkably juvenile. Embarks the top of him till toe, it’s impeccable than any other beings. Cherishing the day when God has finally glorified his existence. The whole room bedecked with a balloon and ceaseless felicity, the flambeau puts on the top of cake, where the sound of clapping and grin embellished over everyone’s face. To the astonishing man who has exhibited his existence and create such a joyous time for the whole beings. Happy birthday to Jeon Wonwoo, the one who I always treasured by catching a sight upon his perfect embodiment. After that, to my precious person who already love me with his entire heart, to Nathanael, happy birthday to you my most favorite Wonwoo. You always have the special spot in my heart, and celebrating your special day with beam engraves on both of our faces. May all things you’ve dreamt become come true! Not forget to my fellow Jeon Wonwoo RP-er's, Sadewa, Carie & Rascal. Happy birthday to my dearest friend, let’s hoping the best thing will come in coming times. May all of you will besiege with perpetual joviality, and gain much of benevolent feeling from people’s around. Let’s blow the candle and wishing the good thing in future times.

The beacon of moon enlighten the tenebrous path of one of magnificent juvenile. As he tries to find a way to back home, and there he is, bring the lustrous lantern. You’re guiding me back to home, when the definition of home is you. I found my safe and sound spot whenever I’m with you, the way you take care of me when I was at my lowest. None of person has appreciated me so much like you, Nu. One month passed, the pilgrimage didn’t stop there, there’ll be plenty of voyage wait for us. Happy first month anniversary, Nu. I let the moon knew, how deep is my feeling toward you. Staring at the stellar eyes is making me realize the way I feel glad to find you in the darkest of time. I should convey my grateful words to God, since he made such a wonderful creature, and caring like you. Thank you for always being here, pampering me, and believe in me no matter what will happen in coming times. I feel blessed to be with you now, tomorrow, for evermore. The love inside my heart won’t fade away, and it becomes a perpetual day by day. Let’s continue this journey with sincerely benevolent between us.

Everything was going so well, until the time came when the main door opened and revealed a figure standing staring questioningly at the three people who were sitting in the living room. There were three rats caught red-handed apparently.

"Wow, apparently there are a guests visiting and oh, what are you guys watching? It looks very exciting," said Nu while trying to look at the television. Mike, Ardi, and Bathara started to stutter, trying to line up in front of the TV and cover the big screen as best they could. But what can they do, the volume of the TV that was turned on made Nu hear everything, there was no point in covering up, now they were totally caught out.

"Hehe ... Nu, I thought you weren't trying to stop by here," Mike asked while trying to calm the mood. "Why? I can't come here anymore?" Mike just smirked at his boyfriend's answer. "No, it's not like that, what I meant was-"

"Nu, don't you intend to join us? The most exciting part will be broadcast soon," said Ardi suddenly making the atmosphere in the living room more quiet and tense. Mike's eyes bulged, glancing cynically at Ardi who just smiled happily. "Huh, my history is over," he thought with a heavy sigh and then looked back at Nu.

"No, Ardi. I’m a child of God, I don’t do that shit. Go ahead if you want." Nu said then went past the three people who could now only gawk at hearing the reply.

"Why is today so boring?" Mike said suddenly, now he just sat pensively in the very quiet living room, there was no one here and only he was left behind. Feeling bored, Mike tried to find something that could relieve his current boredom.

His eyes were fixed on the small shelf under the television table, he just remembered that a week ago the stupid thing he did was to buy some adult film, he didn't know why he suddenly wanted to buy it.

"I think this is fun to watch, but doesn't it feel lonely just watching it alone?" Mike was talking to himself, thinking about who to watch with him. "I think I know who to invite," he thought and smiled amusedly then took his cell phone and tried to call someone.

"Hey, Mike!" someone called in the doorway of Mike's house, standing two figures who a few minutes ago Mike had invited to watch together. Just call them Ardi and Bathara, both of them are Mike's closest friends. "Good, you guys are finally here. I know you won't refuse this kind of film, right? So, should we watch it now?" Mike joked and they both agreed right away.

The three of them have spent half an hour watching together the indecent scenes displayed on the big screen in front of them. "Oh oh! This is one of the most exciting parts!" many more cries from the three of them, making a house echo with just their voices. "Wow, this is so much fun! Look how they do it!"

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"My shirt is way too big on you ... but it’s cute."

⠀⠀⠀ Today after walking around outside together, Mike invited Nu to stay at his house because of the rain that suddenly fell with the two of them arriving at Mike's house. It would be difficult if Mike had to take Nu home first, so Mike decided to ask him to stay over.

Nu almost wanted to refuse Mike's invitation to stay, because he remembered that he didn't even bring any shirt to wear later, wouldn't it be so embarrassing to borrow something from his boyfriend? But what can he do? Nu could only say yes to his request because Mike kept pushing him.

"I'll lend you my clothes, that's enough, right?" Mike said, dragging his boyfriend inside and sitting on a sofa in the living room. "Wait here, I'll get you some clothes that fit you."

Nu was silent, shaking his head at Mike's ridiculous actions. "This is it, I brought some of my clothes for you to wear, change quickly!" Mike asked him and Nu just agreed.

After a few minutes, Nu came out with Mike's shirt that had covered his body. "Wow, my shirt looks so big on you ... it's so cute," he told Nu. It's adorable to see his boyfriend's body sink into his gray sweater.

Again and again Nu could only sigh, then he said, "I've done your bidding, can we just watch a movie together, Mike?" hearing that, the owner of the name just chuckled, he nodded and immediately grabbed his boyfriend's arm, bringing the body covered in a large t-shirt closer and gently embracing him. That time they spent together, doing a lot of things, at Mike's house.

I love him so much.

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