Works By C. : OPEN

Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

Solemnly belongs to Cereal.
Pure from souls that have experienced before, the words are on the magic hand!
Trust me so i can trust you, too.
Contact Bot : @CerealWorksBot.

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Репост из: 𖥠 𝗟𝗔 𝗣𝗟𝗨𝗠𝗔 𖥠
[ bawa pesan ini ke persekutuanmu? that'll be much appreciated! ♡ ]

ello, belamours! la pluma is going to unlatch their gate at january 22nd, 12:00 wib! curious enough? a little glimpse of what we provide has been attached on the picture above. keep in mind that those are just a little peek of the enticement inside of this realm, do check @laapluma to see the rest of the magic. beware! there will only be 15 slots with 2 maximum orders for the icons and only 25 slots for any type of wordings and writing commision, psstt, it's definitely one of a kind. if there's anything that you want to ask, don't hesitate to contact our lieutenant; @laplumabot! ♡

with love,
a, l, n. ♡

Yuk, Samuel open lagi nih.

Репост из: Enduring Our Love.
[ To anyone reading this message, please forward on your channel. Thank you. ]

Hello, Samuel here. Saya open untuk satu slot lagi karena baru beli akun baru nih. Open jam 14.00 ya, anyway don't forget to read the regulation and prepare your money from now on, honey. See you at my roomchat.

Visit aja yuk.

Enih bisnisnya si Galen, nambah nih.

Репост из: Whilend with Galen
[Dear all my mutual BA, boleh bantu sebar ini ke channel kalian? Thank you guys.]

Halo, para tukang jajan yang hobi menghamburkan uang dengan iming-iming "lucu bangeet, mau beli dong, 100 icons ya!". Bagi kalian yang pengen punya PSD free for c & p use, atau cukup icons nya aja karena gamau ribet, dan aplikasi yang maunya premium, boleh tuh kesini. soalnya Made By Galen nyediain yang kalian butuhin. start from IDR 500, dan pembelian icons PSD diatas 10 bakal dapet bonus 4 icons tambahan sebagai free gift!

@MadebyGalen, di sponsori oleh bapak presiden, pak Jokowi.

Репост из: ★☆✩ ; ÉCUREUILS COLORÉS [ OPEN ]
Selamat pagi👋🏻! Aku udah open ya! Buat yang mau order jangan lupa baca TnC dulu. Terus isi format, hubungi contact person buat pesan. Buat slot freebies masih ada ya. Anw have a nice day😊!!

Репост из: Belle Ame! : Open.
[ To all my dearest BA mutuals and to anyone who stumbled upon this post, I'd be very grateful if you would spend a bit of your time to spread the news! ]

Saluting with glee to anyone who stumbled upon this chapter! ’Tis, I, Yurika, to inform that I’m finally open for the very first batch. Kindly fill in the form and send it through @BelleAmeRobot. Heap of thanks are sent to those who participated. Worry not, your order will be finished as soon as possible!

Репост из: ★☆✩ ; ÉCUREUILS COLORÉS [ OPEN ]
Halo!! Apa boleh aku minta tolong untuk forward pesan ini ke channel BA kalian? Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya.

Hari ini, Ecureuils Colores Store resmi dibuka untuk pertama kalinya. Kami menyediakan berbagai macam Scenery & Themed Icons untuk mempercanti Profil anda!

Untuk 5 pembeli pertama akan mendapatkan freebies 1 icons Fairy Garden.

Kirimkan format pembeliannya ke Contact Person.

Jangan lupa untuk membaca terlebih dahulu Terms and Conditions.

Terima kasih!

( To my dearest BA mutuals, can you please forward this good news to your channel? It means a lot, thankyou! )

Hello, Cereal is officiallly open for the first batch with unlimited slots for of all services that has been written in here.

Once again, don't forget to read the TnC and let me do the best for you! Send your order form to Cereal's bot here. I'll be waiting!

In need of help to share this to your channel, please? It'll help me a lot! Thankyou! If there's any poster or anything that you want to share but i'm not share it, you can also share it to my robot!

Hello, This is Cereal, and i decided to open my personal business channel today at Wednesday, January 20th 2021 ( 19.00 WIB ) with unlimited slots.

Cereal provides you a jockey for your assignments, Writing service, Typing Service, also Custom Wording. I'm really sorry for now, i just available payment with Tsel.

For Assignment/Schoolwork jockey, i will prioritizing who's in near of deadlines. You can straighly send your order form to my bot : @CerealWorksBot.

Don't forget to read the TnC!
Thankyou for your attention!
Have a great day ahead!


Dan, kalau menyatu gitu, form nya ya maaf, hehe.

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