Dhika (dhikaaa, still Adore the way you use gatot, lesley n chang'e. ily), Abhy (PLAYING ML WITH YOU IS EXTREMELY FUN. thank you abhy for being my friend. love yaa), Amy (amy secretly reached mythic without me. let's spend time more! ily), Nadana (nadana my virtual lil sister. thank you for being here. ily), Nathalea (so grateful to have you, natha. thanks for guidin' me. ily), Victoire (i hope you'll be healed ASAP. glad to have you here, love yaa), Raven (i love chatting with you. you're dope! let's racuni me dengan taehoon terus. ily raven.), Almaya (ALMAYAA YOU'RE SO SPECIAL. i really love you, please don't ever leave me), Nezha (who woulda thought from reccomend you some manhwas turns out could be one of your close friend. ily nezha, hope you find someone better soon). Arunaa (aruna just face the truth that you'll be the juliet for my kambing. HAHAHHAA joke aside, i love yaa), Judette (my life support. thank you for being here, ily, i really do), Jack (i just met you but i really wanna be your friend. you seem so fun and different. ily jack) Raufil (you knew me since the very beginning. thanks for being my friend and adnan's friend. my bf close friend equals my close friend too, ily) Darigo (THANK YOU, IGO. my life saver. you helped me a lot. thanks for making me a cactus lover, and thanks for being around me. ily), and last but not least Himell (everything have been so hard but you manage to survive. proud of you mell, ily!)