This map will let your path shine, so you're not lost for the adventure with us. Let us show you the map of the @ChronicleEnt, with love.
ㅤ𖤓.. REGULATIONS. On this first page, there's some important magic of rule that you must follow. This rules is so that we (you and I, as well as the admins) can carry out our duties properly.
ㅤ𖤓.. PRICELIST. This second page is what you really needed to stay and life here. Because, it's the treasure listed for love services here, and the price here is the price that must be paid for our peaces.
ㅤ𖤓.. ORDER FORM. Third page, for light up yourself on this adventure. You can fill anything here that you like to put it on your love stories. Describe anything here with your lovely hands.
ㅤ𖤓.. SLOT TALENT. Fourth four four page. Where are you? One two three here we go! It's the number of my provision, hereby hope you to check my availability for giving you a lot of love first.
ㅤ𖤓.. TESTIMONIALS. Fifth page, to collect our love–treasure together. And this last page are decided for you, who always loved me, and remember any part about me.
And that's all for this maps, and are you ready for this big adventure- I mean love–adventure with me?! Don't forget to always bring this map on your mind, so you can't get lost in this town.