Репост из: 𝐊𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐘𝐀 𝐙𝐎𝐍𝐄.
Kwangya Zone's Twibbon Debut Day.png
𝐖armest 𝐆reetings, MyZen! ♡
To celebrate Kwangya Zone's debut on April 30th. We wanna ask for support from all of you by using the twibbon and hashtag that we have prepared. #KwangyaAdventure, please use this on your display name.
The twibbon comes out in two versions, a PNG and a GIF version. Feel free to use either one of them on your profile picture. And if there are any difficulties with twibbon, we are very happy to help, please contact our lovely bot.
We'll be very thankful if you could participate in this event, and also thanks to @Musketeerd for making this fabulous twibbon. Thank you for your attention. may this precious day bring you happiness, MyZen!
𝔅est Regards,
To celebrate Kwangya Zone's debut on April 30th. We wanna ask for support from all of you by using the twibbon and hashtag that we have prepared. #KwangyaAdventure, please use this on your display name.
The twibbon comes out in two versions, a PNG and a GIF version. Feel free to use either one of them on your profile picture. And if there are any difficulties with twibbon, we are very happy to help, please contact our lovely bot.
We'll be very thankful if you could participate in this event, and also thanks to @Musketeerd for making this fabulous twibbon. Thank you for your attention. may this precious day bring you happiness, MyZen!
𝔅est Regards,