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Hello! Iyoiyo toshi no se mo oshi sematte mairimashita, so I would like to invite my bandmates to join us for the celebrate for our group's comeback next month. And now I called all Aespa rp-ers to send "@.Personal + Name" to my bot helpers, @Uchinagabbot. Nani ka to osewa ni narimashite arigatou gozaimashita, Amours & non Amours!
Hello! Iyoiyo toshi no se mo oshi sematte mairimashita, so I would like to invite my bandmates to join us for the celebrate for our group's comeback next month. And now I called all Aespa rp-ers to send "@.Personal + Name" to my bot helpers, @Uchinagabbot. Nani ka to osewa ni narimashite arigatou gozaimashita, Amours & non Amours!