Greetings, for the second day in a row, Telegram has been causing us headaches. Yesterday, we experienced constant connection disruptions with Telegram, and today's update has thrown a wrench into the works, breaking part of the bot API – specifically, the ability to send messages to channels.
As a result, for the past two days, DeezLoad has been struggling, and our download speeds have taken a nosedive. We can't load hundreds of songs simultaneously under these circumstances.
DEDSEC stands vigilant, ready to overcome any obstacle in our path. Stay strong, fellows, for our mission endures!
As a result, for the past two days, DeezLoad has been struggling, and our download speeds have taken a nosedive. We can't load hundreds of songs simultaneously under these circumstances.
DEDSEC stands vigilant, ready to overcome any obstacle in our path. Stay strong, fellows, for our mission endures!