Daniel Zakal -> @ZakalKampf

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Репост из: The Artwork of Friendly Father

Репост из: Ministry of Propaganda
Happy Father's Day!

'My Boy'

Now I live in you.
You shall and will live on
In times I will not see.
How wonderful that is!
It is as wonderful as in the old sagas,
When each tribe strove
To ensure its bloodline did not perish.

Still, you are yet small.
How could you know
That you are a branch on a large tree!
But the day will come
When I must tell you
That not only you,
But your fathers also will be judged by your deeds.

No, you do not yet understand that.
You dream and play throughout the day.
But when you understand,
Then I will know
That in each heartbeat in you and me
That keeps us living,
Also flows a drop of eternity.

Poem from 'Frauen Warte' biweekly illustrated magazine, August 1938

— SS Warrior-Poet, Eggers' collection of poetry. Specifically, Valuation from Live Bravely and Die Courageously.

Репост из: Erwachen

Репост из: ZakalKampf
Every country develops differently and change never comes from those sitting on the side lines. So you have a choice do you get into the arena and fight and enact change or do you just sit on the sidelines and yell? The ones who prefer the sidelines have nothing but excuses as to why they are there. We must collectively act to succeed. People on the sidelines never change anything, but their wallets.

So you have to make a choice. Do you fight or do you pray for someone or some god to do the work for you? Last time I checked Nature does not reward the weak. The weak die. It is better to fight for atleast you are contributing. Do something meaningful. You therefore can say to the many on the sidelines that I did my best with the resources I had at my disposal and so can you.

Once you decide to fight the next choice is how long are you willing to fight? What will it take for you to stop fighting? You must understand the struggle for our racial survival is not up for debate. Stop debating for our right to exist. The struggle is life long, never ending, and there is no surrender. You shall only surrender unto yourself, and never give the enemy the pleasure of destroying you.

Eventually the next frontier for Humanity at the current state of human progress due to Aryan blood is becoming an interplanetary species. However, the jewish controlled world and those under the spell of Frankfurt thinking have ill prepared most of humanity to encounter or receive another intelligent life form. We must expect to encounter other life that may wish to destroy us, and encounter some that want to help us.

The attitude the world community has about other intelligent life being out there is that they will want to destroy us. So they build defenses and prepare behind the scenes.

For what purpose? It is so they can survive, fight, and preserve what they built. We must take this principal and thinking to the racial level. We must individually prepare to fight for our existence and collectively push back the Jews and those from the Frankfurt School of Thought.

All I can ask of each and everyone to do is to take our struggle seriously. That is the easy part. If we do not push our ideas, wants, ideals, and beliefs no one will hear our voices. Make your life count. Ring like a bell throughout history or be worth a fraction of a second in the timeline of the universe.

I also expect each and everyone to become healthier. Live a healthy life style. Stay away from the Jewish poisons such as Alcohol, Opioids, Nicotine, Sugary foods and drinks. Simply drink water and eat healthy foods. There is no honor in destroying your bodies organs with poisons for a short feel good time. That is what we call being a degenerate. It is not hard to do. It is simply having the will power to overcome degeneracy. If your body is not healthy neither is your mind. These simple goals and tasks are all easily obtainable on the individual level. We must honor our ancestors but also learn from their mistakes.

When you become renewed you will be able to help others in more meaningful ways by being the example to strive for. Once that's done join a local group. There is resources available to you and each passing day more of our brothers and sisters awaken.

As always, Heil Hitler!

Репост из: The Crusade
There are hundreds of thousands of us, if not millions.

We are the first group since the National Socialists of Hitler’s Germany to openly defy the Jews is such record-breaking numbers.

We are already making waves politically, socially, and even economically.

Our movement is the most powerful cultural change since then, with literal hundreds of whites waking up daily.

Just imagine what we could do if we were organized.

⚠️ Q&A chat ⚠️

Has been linked to the new channel.

Репост из: ZakalKampf
⚠️Channel Migration ⚠️

From: @DanielZakalChannel
To: @ZakalKampf

Q&A chat will be moved shortly

The Q&A will be carried over.

Due to the ban my channel has been put under by Google, and Apple. I will be deleting this channel in 30 days.

I am moving my written content to a new channel that I will share in the near future.

Репост из: Granite State 131
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"Your life doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the race. You owe your ancestors everything. You owe your descendants everything."

Репост из: Ministry of Propaganda
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"I would say National Socialism is a better way than capitalism or communism, that is quite clear. Because, economy as it is now is deadly, it's really deadly, to the earth and to the human beings; I see it now." - Ursula Haverbeck

Репост из: Ministry of Propaganda
They pretend to be us, they try to speak for us, some pretend to like us; they hate us because they're nothing like us. We're Europeans and they'll never be able to compete with us, no matter how hard they try.

Репост из: Ministry of Propaganda
Continue hammering home a few key talking points into the mainstream and you too can help shape public opinion. I believe even without the power of mass media, we can do a lot to alter the course of our people's future.

We've already started noticing a shift over the years, so continue what you're doing. Simply forwarding and reposting our people's work will do a lot to further the cause. I don't care about growth, views, or being popular; all I care about is the well-being of our people.

"The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over." - Joseph Goebbels

"That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result. It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success." - Joseph Goebbels

"The truth is always stronger than the lie." - Joseph Goebbels

Made a lot of headway in the book with new writings, new chapters, new content, additional additions to current content. I now have a professional book editor on board working on the 3rd edition of National Socialism Our Struggle which will be separated into 4 books with one special edition that includes all 4. Currently the book sits at 600 pages unformatted. The current format I would like to use pushes the book to about 700pages. Format may change later on.

However, I had an unexpected rude awaking the set me back. After a days work I came home to a pipe leakage that went through my ceiling and all over my laptop. Luckily everything I did for the book was stored in multiple clouds and HDD Backups. No major data was lost but the $1,700 laptop is now nothing more than a paper weight.

Work will go on Heil Hitler!

Репост из: TruthGraphs
Is race central to your identity?

This is why we are losing.

Репост из: The Artwork of Friendly Father
something easy and fun 🤙

Репост из: Antonio 1848
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Репост из: The Artwork of Friendly Father
If you've been following the progress of Daniel Zakal's work on National Socialism: Our Struggle you'll know that it's being made into a 4 volume set to accommodate all of the new planned content and I am more than happy to work on the visual design. Each cover will have a unique theme while feeling like a part of the whole. This covers theme is "Struggle & Sacrifice"

For updates on the third edition and a free PDF of the second visit the books main page!
See more from Daniel at:

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