Debunking Zoomer Historian

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"On 16 July 1941, Hitler invited Göring, Lammers, Keitel, Rosenberg and Bormann to his office in the Wolf’s Lair for a five-hour meeting about future occupation policies in the east. Right at the start, he told the participants that the true intentions must not be revealed to the outside world. Instead, the official line was to be that the Wehrmacht had to temporarily retain control of the conquered territory to ensure calm and security. ‘It should not become evident that these arrangements will be final!’ Hitler stressed. ‘But we will carry out all necessary measures – executions, expulsions etc. – and continue to do so.’ Summarising his main goal, Hitler said that the idea was to ‘correctly slice the giant cake so that we can firstly rule, secondly administer and thirdly exploit it’. The Baltic states, Crimea with its ‘considerable hinterlands’, the settlements of the Volga Germans and the region around the oil fields of Baku were to become ‘territories of the German Reich’. No foreign military presence was to be tolerated west of the Urals. ‘Nobody must ever be allowed to bear arms except the Germans,’ Hitler demanded. And at the slightest resistance, Germans would make ample use of their weapons. ‘This gigantic expanse must of course be pacified as quickly as possible, and this can be best achieved by shooting everyone who even looks at us the wrong way.’ "
(Volker Ullrich, Hitler Downfall: 1939-45

[Bormann’s notes of the meeting of 16 July 1941 in Der Prozess gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher vor dem internationalen Militärtribunal in Nürnberg, 42 vols, Nuremberg, 1947–9, vol. 38, pp. 86–94; partially reproduced in Gerd R. Ueberschär and Wolfram Wette (ed.), Der deutsche Überfall auf die Sowjetunion: ‘Unternehmen Barbarossa’ 1941, expanded edition, Frankfurt am Main, 2011, pp. 276f. See Jürgen Matthäus and Frank Bajohr (eds), Alfred Rosenberg, Die Tagebücher von 1934 bis 1944, Frankfurt am Main, 2015, pp. 393–9 (entry for 20 July 1941).] )

Zoomer historian in his new video:

says the German invasion of the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) has nothing whatsoever to do with race; it was not even a factor.

Well, all we have to do is look at Hitler's own words.

"Goebbels noted in his Journals, for
"The Führer sees the East as our future India. This is the colonial territory we must occupy. This is where farms for our farmers and the veterans of the Wehrmacht must be created. . . .
The goal of our war is the expansion of our Lebensraum in the broadest sense. We have set ourselves a goal that will require several centuries. This goal will require great sacrifice for some time, but it is worthwhile for the generations to come. Only for this can we justify such a bloodletting to ourselves and to history: it will give life to millions of German children. . . .
The East is our space. We must pierce through to it, it is there we must invest everything to develop the Lebensraum we will need in the future. There we shall find everything we need to give life to our people, starting with the marvelous dark earth, whose fertility is unmatched. It is there that we must build, organize, and mobilize everything for the life of our nation."
(The Law of Blood Thinking and Acting as a Nazi, Johann Chapoutot)

The following quotes are from 'Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944: Die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims, ed. Werner Jochmann'

"We want to settle the south of Ukraine, the Crimea in particular, exclusively German. It is no trouble for me to push the population there [i.e. population in south of Ukraine] elsewhere."
~ Adolf Hitler

"The [Eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe and become Europeanised! To this end, we are now building the great transport routes to the southern tip of the Crimea, to the Caucasus; the German cities are lined up along these transport routes, like a string of pearls, and around them lies the German settlement. We will have the two or three million people we need for this sooner than we think; WE WILL TAKE THEM FROM GERMANY, THE SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES, THE WESTERN COUNTRIES AND AMERICA. I will probably not live to see it, but in twenty years the area will already contain 20 million [Germanic] people. In three hundred years it will be a flourishing park landscape of unusual beauty! The natives [i.e. Ukrainians]? We will proceed to sift them. We'll put the destructive Jew out altogether. The impression I had in the Belorussian region was better than that in the Ukraine. We won't go into the Russian cities, they must die out completely. We don't need to feel any remorse. We don't live ourselves into the role of nanny, we have no obligation to the people at all. Reform the home, catch the lice, German teachers, newspapers? No! We'd rather set up a radio station that depends on us, and for the rest they should only know the road signs so that they don't run into our cars! By freedom these people mean that they only have to wash themselves every festival. If we come with soft soap, we won't get any sympathy. We have to completely retrain ourselves. There is only one task: to carry out a GERMANISATION BY BRINGING IN THE GERMANS AND TO REGARD THE NATIVES AS INDIANS. If these people had triumphed over us, God have mercy! Hatred? No, we don't know that; we only act out of consideration. But they act out of the inferiority complex of the inferior; they smell the superior and connect hatred with the inferiority complex. Intelligence? We have so much of it here that we only have difficulties with it! Anyone from Europe who is of good will can take part in the work of settlement."
~ Adolf Hitler.

Regarding Ingrid Weckert, she is a Holocaust denier, so it is not surprising at all that her writings are totally false and don't contain an ounce of truth.

Here are two article that refutes her lies:
Reichskristallnacht : A Response to Ingrid Weckert


Zoomer historian released another video:, where he tries to talk about Kristallnacht.

One of his sources is the infamous self-proclaimed historian David Irving's book 'The War Path'.

Now, David Irving's source for the events is Ingrid Weckert, and she is not a historian.

You will be surprised to know that during the Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. trial, Richard J. Evans, an established academic historian, was hired by the defence to serve as an expert witness. Evans and his team spent two years examining Irving's work and presented evidence of Irving's misrepresentations, including evidence that Irving had knowingly used forged documents as source material. Among these findings, Evans clearly demonstrated that David Irving's presentation of Kristallnacht events (which itself was sourced from Ingrid Weckert) was erroneous. So on the court record, David Irving was refuted for his false representation of Kristallnacht in his book.

After the trial, Richard Evans published his findings in the book 'Lying About Hitler History, the Holocaust, and the David Irving Trial.' You can read the complete refutation there.

So, Zoomer historian is essentially using an already well-refuted source (mind you, the exact event's description in the source that he uses was refuted and proved to be untrue).

ZH claims "All theories that Germans were planning to do in Eastern Europe rest on absolutely no evidence on Hiter's part."
He reads out Erhard Wetzel's quote:
"The goal of a German population policy in the Russian area will have to bring down the birth rates of the Russian population below the German birth rates."

Now, lo and behold, this exact thought process was uttered by Hitler, and it is documented in Henry Picker's notes and Martin Bormann's letter to Alfred Rosenberg, where Bormann again repeats Hitler's utterances in his letter to Rosenberg.

Adolf Hitler: “In some paper, I recently found a proposal to ban the distribution and use of abortifacients in the occupied eastern territories. If any idiot should actually try to put such a ban into practice in the occupied eastern territories, I would shoot him up personally. In view of the abundance of children among the local population, it would only be good for us if the girls and women there had as many abortions as possible. We must therefore not only permit BUT DOWNRIGHT ENCOURAGE A BRISK TRADE-IN CONTRACEPTIVES IN THE EASTERN TERRITORIES since we could not have the slightest interest in an INCREASE IN THE NON-GERMAN POPULATION.(Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier, ed. Henry Picker, (dated 22 July 1942).)

Martin Boramnn to Alfred Rosenberg: "The Slavs are to work for us. Insofar as we do not need them, they may die. Therefore, compulsory vaccination and German health service are superfluous. The fertility of the Slavs is undesirable. They may use contraceptives or practice abortion, the more the better."
(Letter from Martin Bormann to Alfred Rosenberg, 23 July 1942, Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 11)

ZH: "Wikipedia will suggest Germany wanted to push to the east towards the Urals... This isn't true at all."

Rebuttal: Again he is simply wrong.

"When the two men met again at the Wolf’s Lair on 8 July, Goebbels encountered a positively euphoric Hitler. The war in the east, the Führer said, ‘was fundamentally already won’, with two-thirds of Soviet forces having been destroyed or badly impaired. There would still be a series of battles to fight, but the Red Army could never recover from the defeats it had already suffered. In the days and weeks to come, German tanks would advance to the Volga and, if necessary, to the Urals. There could be no doubt that ‘the Kremlin will fall – sooner or later’."
— Volker Ullrich, Hitler Downfall (Goebbels Diaires)

The idea that conquered territories should be extended till Urals is also found in 'Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944: Die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims, ed. Werner Jochmann' and 'Herbst 1941 im „Führerhauptquartier“. Berichte Werner Koeppens an seinen Minister Alfred Rosenberg

Herbst 1941 im „Führerhauptquartier“. Berichte Werner Koeppens an seinen Minister Alfred Rosenberg

"Heim’s and Koeppen’s notes reveal Hitler to be a brutal, hateful bully who, in anticipation of his imminent triumph, saw himself as the omnipotent ruler of Europe and no longer felt a need to tolerate any constraints. ‘Bolshevism must be eradicated’ was one of his fundamental demands. As the ‘seat of this doctrine’, Moscow would have to be ‘wiped off the face of the earth’, and the borders of German-controlled Europe would have to be extended to at least the Urals."
— Volker Ullrich, Hitler Downfall

So here, what Zoomer Historian says "isn't true at all", is uttered by Hitler himself, which is documented by Joseph Goebbels, Heinrich Heim, and Werner Koeppen. And, folks, all these mistakes are found within 0:56 seconds into the video.

"On 23 April 1942, the Reichsführer-SS, Himmler, penned a memorandum in Hitler’s headquarters on ‘The retrieval of Volksdeutsche from America and Africa after the war’. ‘It is our task,’ the Reichsführer announced, ‘to bring back every person of German blood who has any value at all, in order to settle the captured acres.’ This could not be done by the Nazi Party because the main target group of albeit ‘politically unquestionably contaminated Volksdeutsche’ lay in ‘America’, beyond the political control of the Reich. Instead, Himmler called for ‘personal recruitment’ through family ties. Himmler was acknowledging the deep entanglement of Germany with America in one breath and demanding their disentanglement in the next.
In late July 1942, Himmler presented Hitler with the revised version of the Generalplan Ost, with detailed maps and plans for the construction of settler villages. An important part of these plans was the resettlement of German-American returnees, who were deemed to have the right qualities of hardiness and initiative to colonize the steppes as their forefathers had once settled the plains. Some of the planned settlements were thus to be called ‘USA-Colonies’. ‘The Führer not only listened to me,’ Himmler said shortly afterwards, ‘he even refrained from constant interruptions, as is his usual habit.’ Hitler approved the plan."
— Brendan Sims, Hitler: Only The World Was Enough

So Hitler wanted to resettle the newly conquered territories with Germans and Nords, not just from Europe but also from the USA.

"... according to Goebbels, Hitler said that he was ‘determined to give the Soviets the coup de grace this summer’. Victory in the East was the basis for the ‘creation of a new Eastern Marches’, for which Hitler sketched out grandiose future prospects: ‘There we shall hugely extend our land. There we shall acquire coal, grain, oil and above all national security. . . . A shrewd population policy, above all using the resettlement of ethnic Germans, could within sixty, seventy years easily increase the German population to 250 million.’ However, according to Hitler, they should ‘not believe that with this war all war would be abolished. In future too, war would still be the father of all things.’"
— Peter Longerich, Hitler A Biography

For more info: 'Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941–1944: Die Aufzeichnungen Heinrich Heims, ed. Werner Jochmann'

'Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier, ed. Henry Picker'

Debunking ZoomerHistorian's 'What Were Hitler's Plans in the East?'

He Claims: An idea put forward when talking about WW2 is that when the Germans turned east in 1941, Adolf Hitler's grand plan was to exterminate the Slavs and settle Germans. There is little evidence for this.

Rebuttal: All one has to do is read the Wikipedia entry for this:

He claims: that Lebensraum's main point was the German minority living outside Germany such as Sudentland and the Polish Corridor.

Rebuttal: He is completely wrong. Hitler was not just concerned about Germans living in Sudentland and the Polish Corridors; he was concerned about resettling Germans from various parts of the world, including Scandinavia and even the USA.

"He [Hitler] developed practical ideas for settling the conquered territories [in the East], which he delighted in elaborating on to his audience. Priority was to be given to the construction of great transport networks: big canal projects, autobahns, as well as a broad-gauge railway of three metres, which he was particularly interested in. As centres of settlement, ‘German cities’ would be linked together along these arterial roads ‘as in a pearl necklace’. The ‘German agencies and authorities will be housed in splendid buildings, the governors in palaces. . . . Around the cities to a depth of thirty to forty kilometres we shall have a belt of attractive villages, linked together by high quality roads.’ The ‘monotonous appearance of the Russian Steppe’ would be gradually transformed into a cultural landscape on the Central European model. In ten years’ time, four, in twenty years, at least ten, perhaps even twenty, million ‘Germans’ would settle there, not only from the Reich, but also from America, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, and Flanders. The Swiss, however, could only be used as hotel managers.
The main focus of the German settlement programme was to be the southern Ukraine; he wanted to turn the Crimea, whose attractive landscape he praised, into an Eastern Goths’ Gau, with the best ‘human material’ from all the ‘Nordic-type’ nations. In his fantasies he had pictured life in the new eastern territories down to the last detail. Thus he kept talking about installing retired NCOs, discharged after twelve years’ service, as peasant settlers. They would be given fully-equipped farms, but would have to commit to marrying ‘country girls not town girls’."
— Peter Longerich, Hitler A Biography

Zoomer historian tries to imply that Hitler was not a Nordicist in this video: But contrary to the claims made in the video, Hitler was a Nordicist.

Let's see what Hitler himself thought on this subject.

"Today our people are still suffering from this inner division, but what brought us misfortune in the past and present can be our blessing for the future. For detrimental as it was on the one hand that a complete blending of our original racial components did not take place and that the formation of a unified national body was thus prevented, it was equally fortunate on the other hand that in this way at least a part of our best blood was preserved pure and escaped racial degeneration. Assuredly if there had been a complete blending of our original racial elements, a unified national body would have arisen; however as every racial crossing proves, it would have been endowed with a smaller cultural capacity than the highest of the original components. This is the blessing of the absence of complete blending: that today in our German national body we still possess great unmixed stocks of NORDIC Germanic people whom we may consider the MOST PRECIOUS TREASURE for our future." ~ Mein Kampf

In the above passage from Mein Kampf, Hitler says the "Nordic Germanic people" are the "most precious treasure", not any German but the "Nordic German".

In one of his speeches, Hitler even said that anything other than Nordic was "ape dance".

"Humanity owes everything great to struggle and to one race which has triumphed. Take away the Nordic German and all that remains is APE DANCES"
~ Adolf Hitler, speech on April 2, 1927
“Der Nationalsozialismus als Weltanschauung, der Marxismus ein Wahnsinn!” April 2, 1927, in Hitler: Reden, Schriften, Anordnungen

In another of his speeches, Hitler even says it was the Nords who migrated from northern parts of Europe to places like Greece and Egypt and founded civilization in those places.

Yes, Hitler is "we wuzing" here; he thought the ancient Greeks, Romans, etc. were all Nordics.

"the deeply inner life of the soul has given these Nordic races the possibility of moving over the rest of the world in a state-forming way. Even if this power could not be expressed in this far north, it became capable of taking effect at the moment when the ice fetters sank and man moved down to the south into a favourable, happy free nature. We know that all these people had one sign in common: the sign of the sun. All their cults are based on light and they find the sign, the tool of fire production, the whisk, the Swastika. You will find this cross as a Swastika [sic!] not only here, but also carved into the temple posts in India and Japan. It is the hoe cross of the communities once founded by Aryan culture. Now these races, which we call Aryans, were in reality the originators of all the later great cultures which we can still trace in history. We know that Egypt was brought to its cultural height by Aryan immigrants, as was Persia, Greece; the immigrants were blond, blue-eyed Aryans and we know that apart from these states no cultural states at all were founded on this earth. Mixed races may have developed between the black, dark-eyed, dark-coloured southern race and the immigrating northern races, but no independent great creative cultural states developed. Why then did the Aryan alone possess this power to form states? It lies almost exclusively in his conception of the term labour."
~ Adolf Hitler, speech on August 13, 1920.
(“Hitlers ‘gründlegende’ Rede über den Antisemitismus” in Viertelsjahrshäfte für Zeitgeschichte, 16. Jahrgang 1968, 4. Heft, Oktober, pp. 400–420; SA, pp. 191–192 (document 136).)

The same thoughts of Hitler can also be found in other sources such as Table Talks.

So to say "blonde hair and blue eyes" is a myth is completely fallacious and just demonstrates that Zoomer historian is uneducated on this subject.

For more info refer: Hitler’s Ethic: The Nazi Pursuit of Evolutionary Progress

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