I made an English Translation of the regional dialects of the Russian Empire. Look at the green region. It says Malorussia, aka Little Russian. The green is where Ukraine is today. Russian, Belarussian, and Belarussian share a common descendant. Modern Ukraine was referred to as "Little Russia." and was seen as a part of Russia during most of its history. So Ukraine was an idea created by the Austro-Hungarians, who implanted it to undermine Russia. Ukraine means "borderlands" and was a very recent creation. The Only real Ukraine State was created after the Bolshevik/Russian Revolution by so-called renegade rebels but was taken over by Lenin's Bolshevik Government and declared Ukraine. Ukraine aimed to undermine Russification, Traditionalism, Slavophilia, and Orthodox Civilization. It also created unnecessary division. Ukraine has been used as a Trojan horse throughout history by Bolsheviks, Soviets, Liberals , and Globalists.