Finally, our nightmare came true... 😏
For some time, every post we published in the "BlackHat Digital Forensics" channel was automatically deleted by Telegram.
We know that after Pavel's arrest, Telegram's policies have completely changed, and it is losing its core value—freedom.
Today, after we shared a cracked version and keygen of UFED 4PC 7.7.1 in the @digiforen channel, the channel was completely removed.
This was unprecedented. We had always posted without issues, and Telegram never gave us any prior warning about violations. They would simply delete the posts without reporting any infractions.
Today is the worst day for our team because we lost the @digiforen channel.
This incident shows how vulnerable it is to invest time and money in platforms like Telegram. They can delete your channel without sending any warnings.
We have lost a great channel with good members, but let this serve as a lesson for other channels: don’t put all your eggs in one basket, especially in platforms like Telegram
For some time, every post we published in the "BlackHat Digital Forensics" channel was automatically deleted by Telegram.
We know that after Pavel's arrest, Telegram's policies have completely changed, and it is losing its core value—freedom.
Today, after we shared a cracked version and keygen of UFED 4PC 7.7.1 in the @digiforen channel, the channel was completely removed.
This was unprecedented. We had always posted without issues, and Telegram never gave us any prior warning about violations. They would simply delete the posts without reporting any infractions.
Today is the worst day for our team because we lost the @digiforen channel.
This incident shows how vulnerable it is to invest time and money in platforms like Telegram. They can delete your channel without sending any warnings.
We have lost a great channel with good members, but let this serve as a lesson for other channels: don’t put all your eggs in one basket, especially in platforms like Telegram