من الخطأ أن تطلب من المريض أن يفتح قبضة يده و يغلقها بشكل متكرر لأن ذلك سيتسبب في ظهور نتائج خاطئة لبعض الاختبارات وعلى الأخص مستويات البوتاسيوم نتيجة لتركز الدم.
It is incorrect to ask the patient to repeatedly open and close their fist because it will lead to inaccurate results for some tests, especially potassium levels, due to blood concentration.
Dopamine Clinical| #recommendations
It is incorrect to ask the patient to repeatedly open and close their fist because it will lead to inaccurate results for some tests, especially potassium levels, due to blood concentration.
Dopamine Clinical| #recommendations