Picturesque Rhythm.

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The central wall of vigor that's always pierced by the tartness of life seems like it will decay; but unsuspected that wall will always be a firm wall. @Sorrowc's always in a story that's strongly warded off by @Placidityc that always comes. @Scansionbot.

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Репост из: Brahman Boss, Senju.
[ HFW ] The new comeback era will arrive soon. Therefore, calling out all ENHYPEN role’s to do some absent through this bot. Kindly state your ‘name and id’ too. Thanks a heaps.

Репост из: Lachrymose.
haaii, i'm calling out Enhypen rp-ers to absen here. just drop your name + id, thank youu.

Репост из: Aisthireus Of Dawn.
Help forward, calling out all Enhypen rp-ers to absent through this bot. Kindly drop your name and ID.

Репост из: キャビソン
[ HFW ] Hello! I'm calling out all ENHYPEN rp-ers for absent here. Just drop your name + @usn. Thank you.

Hello, moots. Can you help me to forward this to your channel? Thank you.

Salutation precious earthlings, salubrious day. The seconds didn't stop with the rumour still blowing. Give my magnificent regards to the inhabitants of earth. I hereby accumulate all of Enhypen portrayers to follow your presence so that you are enrolled in the page To commemorate our comeback. Send the picturesque of your name and your ID to my maid. May happiness fall upon you more often, thank you so much.

Репост из: 𝐁ienv𝗲nue
hello, bidding my warmest greetings to each n everyone of u who stumbled upon this message. i'm calling out all ENHYPEN rp-ers to take part in my attendance due to the upcoming comeback. simply send me ur name and @. to participate here.

Репост из: Einsamkeit
sending my warmest greetings, i'm here to calling all ENHYPEN rp-ers to register their presence to my bot. just send your name + @. thank you

Репост из: MMII : Galvanize Je Fractious.
[HFW] greetings, i'm calling out for all ENHYPEN rp-ers to be absent here. just type nn + @.username, tia!

Репост из: Dreeblissa.
[HFW] Hello, I'm calling all ENHYPEN rp-ers to do a comeback absent, just say " your nn + " to the bot. Thank you very much!

Репост из: doll-hoon ʕ”̮ॽु
haaii! i am calling out all enhypen rp-ers to mark their absent here since our 7 princes's comeback is near. just drop your name & id, yaa! thanks a lot :] ♡

Репост из: High By The Beach.
📝 Salutations precious souls! Here I am, looking for a new mutuals for having a reciprocals relationship subs-for-subs with me @zJudys. Kindly drop your pretty @.username below here. Before it, I only accepting main account subs-for-subs. Merci beaucoup!

🕸 0 people have voted so far.
📖 Anonymous Board

Репост из: ᯤ ָ ࣪ 🥛 ⌯ 𝐉𝐚𝐲𝐲𝐢𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐤
[Hfw] Hallo para Rp-ers enhypen mari kita absen untuk tahun baru sebut ( @.usn + Nn + chr)
Lalu kirim ke sini gracias

Репост из: ⋆ jungwonzluv₊˚ˑ༄ؘ [HFW PIN]
⋆⋆ [HFW] konnichiwa minna! saya mengundang teman-teman dengan wajah palsu enhypen untuk absen, disini ya! taruh aja nickname mu dan id mu. terima kasih ya ^^

Репост из: ✩. Jocas the Explorer
[HFW] Hello, i'm calling out Enhypen rp-ers to absen here. Just drop your name + id, thanks.

Репост из: Night & Cigarettes
[hfw] panggilan untuk semua ENHYPEN rp-ers untuk melakukan absen, cukup sebutkan "nn + @. Usn" ke sini ya. Terima kasih

Репост из: 浮世絵
[HFW] Enhypen’s come back is drawing closer and closer as the day passes, which is why I'm calling everyone who considers Enhypen as their muse to absent your names here. Kindly drop your name + id, thank you in advance.

Репост из: Adaptasi.
Halo, salam hangat saya haturkan untuk seluruh insan yang berada dibuana ini. Saya memanggil seluruh pengguna rupa ENHYPEN untuk melakukan absensi kebilik wicara saya, @Enhyfenbot. Tolong kirimkan namamu, beserta dengan tanda pengenalmu (@), ya. Terimakasih banyak, semoga harimu menyenangkan.

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