📝 @ id, @ id ch ba, & @ id bot moots/hfw
Allöuddrie.: @allouddriee @psroperty @cieshamootsbot
Asha H.: @kkemayu @commplacency @commplacencybot
éyin.: @erinnis & @cainty & @caintybot
Gandhi: @wdilf @paroperty @ragandhibot
ayu: @dandeliwons @gorgeoxs @gorgeoxsrobot
Bèlyne P.: @Markeuh @Canauda @Canaudabot
dni lagi stres se stres stresnya: @cehcan, @qduit & @qduitbot
iann: @hayoungv + @baellerine + @hayoungv
Nala hmu if ur @. ufs: @userj00L @milyaran @nalakaesabot
yeyu mau @ njun: @reznjun @injunv @injunv_bot
Sheera. Mau @ haewon: @sesunghee + @Clerovent + @jliheonbot
Essa.: @Geulws + @BadMemorys + @Unfairsbot
kiesha @pricncess: @pparade + @Pricncess
Biandra Lee: @xKuli @cBioskop @cBioskopBot
BETMUT DNI.: @dholl @hangeuI @hangeuIbot 🐈
👥 15 people have voted so far.
📖 Personal Board
Allöuddrie.: @allouddriee @psroperty @cieshamootsbot
Asha H.: @kkemayu @commplacency @commplacencybot
éyin.: @erinnis & @cainty & @caintybot
Gandhi: @wdilf @paroperty @ragandhibot
ayu: @dandeliwons @gorgeoxs @gorgeoxsrobot
Bèlyne P.: @Markeuh @Canauda @Canaudabot
dni lagi stres se stres stresnya: @cehcan, @qduit & @qduitbot
iann: @hayoungv + @baellerine + @hayoungv
Nala hmu if ur @. ufs: @userj00L @milyaran @nalakaesabot
yeyu mau @ njun: @reznjun @injunv @injunv_bot
Sheera. Mau @ haewon: @sesunghee + @Clerovent + @jliheonbot
Essa.: @Geulws + @BadMemorys + @Unfairsbot
kiesha @pricncess: @pparade + @Pricncess
Biandra Lee: @xKuli @cBioskop @cBioskopBot
BETMUT DNI.: @dholl @hangeuI @hangeuIbot 🐈
👥 15 people have voted so far.
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