End of the World as We Know It

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European-White Culture, Art, History and Survival

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@piitures on twitter 🌻🐝

Репост из: Scrimshaw Saga
I know you're uneasy, Anon. I know the unknown is a bit scary. I know a radical change in lifestyle seems like a daunting task. But if you can get over that first hump, the next will be easier. If you can make it a year, you're gonna be alright. You will adapt. You will thrive.

Overcoming a lifetime of struggle and hardship is infinitely better than existing as a sheep in this modern consoomer globohomo cesspool. This wasn't meant for us. In the end, it will be better.

Hard times make tough men. The world will be a better place if you can see it through. Take a breath. Steadfast and ironclad. You're gonna make it to the other side of all this. You'll be one chad sonabitch because of it.

Репост из: Scrimshaw Saga
Mongrelized police state with a global pandemic and a collapsing dollar. Wew lads. Gettin to be go time.


In Vermont, they don't want you to be self-reliant and growing your own food. They want you hungry and struggling to survive.

You may only purchase seeds online, but the supply is low.

Start seed saving from organic produce you buy, the vids are online.

Репост из: sssaga

Репост из: Skull’s Charnel House Mirror
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Репост из: Неизвестно
I'm going out. I'm gonna stop by old acquaintances house and give them my wife's homeade cookies and shit. I'm going to the grocery store and I'm going to have a human interaction with every person I pass by. We're getting the bikes out. I'm taking my kids to the fucking park.

Because I'm not a house arrested, system dependant, brainwashed, npc drone. I'm a chad White dude. I'm gonna be unreasonable.

Репост из: Blair Cottrell
You can tell where people are accustomed to getting their information from based on their reaction to the situation.

Television: Total boomer ignorance. No idea what is actually going on and won’t believe it even if they are shown.

Online alt-media: Prepping for 18 months.

Репост из: Overpromise, Overdeliver
As always, white genocide is the objective.

When the vaccine is fully weaponized its rollout will reveal all.

See what happens when you try saying "no thanks, our family doesn't believe in vaccination."

Репост из: Неизвестно
unacast.com/covid19/social-distancing-scoreboard - they are tracking us by our mobile phones regarding the social-engineered 'social distancing'.

are you okay with this?

archive.is/hBiY8 - archive of the Washington Post article

Репост из: The Noticer
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion” - The Father of Communism (an ideology that led to the slaughter of 100 million) and the Son of Rabbis Karl “the working men have no country” Marx

“Great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval” - He was an original feminist folks

“Democracy is the road to socialism” - 🤔


Репост из: Scrimshaw Saga
Right now there are millions of people suffering. Betrayed by the globalist system they were brainwashed into supporting. There are millions of people sitting at home with loved ones as the world they've been accustomed to disintegrates in real time. Millions of folks are reflecting on real priorities and the things they've taken for granted. Regardless of the outcome, it's going to be difficult to return to what was "normal." Feels good man.

Репост из: Scrimshaw Saga
Imagine orchestrating a global pandemic and international financial collapse just to use as a distraction so you could raid the internet Nazis. Lame.

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