Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Online ingliz tili
📌Endi sizda ingliz tilini uyda oʻtirgan holda oʻrganish imkoniyati mavjud

Bizda ham grammar 0 dan oʻrgatiladi va Ielts yoki Cefrga ham tayyorlanadi

Uzizga qulay usulda tayyorlanishingiz mumkin

🧑‍🎓Kurs haqida⬇️
Haftasiga 4 kun telegram chat orqali darslar boʻlib oʻtadi
Bu kurs hamma leveldagi oʻquvchilar uchun toʻgʻri keladi bu kursda oʻzingizni darajangizni 1 level koʻtarolasz

Uyga vazifalar albatta tekwiriladi keyingi dars bowlangunigacha uyga vazifalar teacherga tawlangan boʻlishi kerak

❗️Tajribali teacher cefr c1 ielts 7 sertifikatlariga ega

❗️Kursga yozilish va boshqa savollar uchun
@Online_englishh ga murojaat qiling

✅Bizning kanalimiz

💥 Open this content and take ticket for advantages in our group 💠
Group: @English_speaking_chatting
Contact : @developer_grp

39.3k 1 27 167 214

🟫Tell your friends about our paid advertising services that helps growing groups and channels,
You will also benefit from it.💠
Then contact owner:💻


⚡️Boost our channel and take facilities🔥
✅Then contact:


📌Ads :@Advertising_reklama

54.4k 0 11 127 136

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  •   5-17
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45577 голосов

📌Voice chat rules

⛔Be polite towards one another. If anyone insults someone they will get muted.

⛔Don't play any annoying stuffs or songs in VC. Its prohibited and leads to get you muted.

⛔Keep english or Russian in VC.

⛔Politics and religious talks are strictly prohibited and it will directly lead to ban.



⛔Harassment of other members will not be tolerated.

⛔No spamming or advertisements.

⛔Profanity will not be tolerated.

⛔No solicitation, do not post links to your websites.

⛔Do not promote other groups

⛔Please post in English/Russian only.

⛔Do not post in ALL CAPS as this is the same as shouting.

⛔Maintain respect for all member and their views.

⛔Keep messages clear but concise. If you can make your point in one message, don’t send two

⛔Show respect, compassion, and kindness at all times to your fellow traders.

⛔Do not monopolize the chat group, let others talk.

🛑Don't play with reports ❗

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