CrimethInc. Ex-Workers Collective

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Политика

We are a rebel alliance—a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action—a breakout from the prisons of our age. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid.

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Гео и язык канала
Весь мир, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Гражданская война в Сирии возобновляется

Взгляды на конфликт из западной и северо-восточной Сирии


The tireless anarchist organizer Errico Malatesta was born on this day in 1853. 🏴

In 1884, he and other anarchists defied the state to treat a cholera outbreak in Naples—demonstrating a model for grassroots healthcare and mutual aid that remains relevant in the #COVID19 era:

We have added a new bulk sticker to our online store: "Capitalism thrives on death—death to capitalism."

You can order them here:

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Georgia: Le proteste dei fuochi artificiali

Anarchici di Tbilisi raccontano una settimana di scontri di piazza, esplorando le cause dei disordini e documentandoli in una serie di video.


Argomenti per la resistenza

In questa analisi esaminiamo cosa ci aspetta dal secondo mandato di Donald Trump e come possiamo prepararci ad affrontarlo.


Cómo organizar una asamblea

Prepararse para responder en una era de desastres y despotismo

En una época de desastres y despotismo, una forma de conseguir que la gente esté conectada y preparada para responder es organizar una asamblea abierta. He aquí cómo.


Georgia: The Firework Protests

December 3 marked the sixth consecutive night of clashes between police and anti-government protesters in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. In this account, anarchists in Tbilisi report from the front lines, exploring the causes of the unrest and documenting it in a series of videos.

Georgia may seem far away, but the challenges that people there face—rule by billionaires, a reactionary clampdown on freedoms, an opposition controlled by feeble liberal leadership, and an absence of revolutionary alternatives—are similar to the challenges that hundreds of millions face in the United States and elsewhere around the world.

L'occhio di ogni Tempesta
La risposta anarchica all'uragano Helene

Un anarchico degli Appalachi coinvolto nella reazione all'uragano Helene parla di ciò che ha imparato e di come prepararsi per i disastri a venire.


Festivals of Resistance: A Call for Gatherings the Weekend Before Trump Takes Office

Along with others around the country, we invite you to join us in organizing festivals of resistance on the weekend of January 18, immediately before Donald Trump takes office. This is a crucial opportunity to engage in outreach, education, and action ahead of what it is sure to be a tumultuous time.

Once Trump takes power, it will only become more challenging to make connections with our neighbors, create the networks that we will need to face down his assaults, and share the skills we will need to survive his reign. Right now, we have a precious window of time in which to prepare. Let’s make the most of it.

The Syrian Civil War Resumes

The Syrian civil war has remained frozen since 2020, owing to a precarious balance of power between various factions with various degrees of support from Russia, Turkey, Iran, and the United States. Over the past few days, however, taking advantage of the ways that Iran has been tied down by conflict with Israel while Russia has been distracted in Ukraine, the anti-government forces Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) have seized Aleppo and intensified their campaign against the dictatorship of Bashar al-Assad.

While Assad has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and his downfall would be welcome, this development poses new dangers.

The situation in Syria is complex; the same events look different from different vantage points. In order to triangulate the reality, we present here a perspective from expatriate participants in the revolution in western Syria alongside a report from anarchists in Rojava, northeastern Syria.

Istoria se repetă: mai întâi, sub forma unei farse, apoi, a unei tragedii

Din multe puncte de vedere, democrații sunt răspunzători pentru revenirea la putere a lui Donald Trump. Explorăm de ce.


La historia se repite: Primero como farsa, luego como tragedia

En muchos sentidos, los demócratas son responsables del regreso de Donald Trump al poder. Exploremos por qué.


El multimillonario y l@s anarquistas

Twitter desde sus orígenes como herramienta de protesta hasta la adquisición por Elon Musk: una historia de la absorción capitalista de Internet en microcosmos.


WTO Anniversary Reading List

Today marks 25 years since anarchists and other protesters shut down the summit of the World Trade Organization in Seattle. This was the public debut of what journalists dubbed the “anti-globalization movement”—in fact, a global movement against neoliberal capitalism.

This analysis explores the origins of that movement and what it can teach us today:


For a strategic analysis of how anarchists and other rebels were able to successfully blockade the WTO summit, we recommend "Netwar in the Emerald City," included in our zine N30, which you can print here:


For a spirited account from the front line in the streets on November 30, 1999, read "The Power Is Running":


In 1999, opposing neoliberalism was an extremist position. Decades later, Donald Trump appropriated this narrative and rode it to victory. This was only possible because of reformist currents in the original movement—and because we hadn't overthrown capitalism ourselves.

Studying the WTO protests, we can learn how a relatively small number of people can act effectively when they organize horizontally and ambitiously—and grasp the stakes of today's fights.

The struggle continues. 🏴

El Argumento por Resistencia

A qué nos enfrentamos y cómo podría ser la lucha

En este análisis, exploramos qué podemos esperar del segundo mandato de Donald Trump y cómo podemos prepararnos para enfrentarnos a él.


The billionaires want us to spent our lives on a treadmill of exploitation and consumption—producing a profit for them in the workplace, then buying back the products of our labor in our leisure time so they get us coming and going.

No wage, and nothing we could buy on the market, could make it worth giving up the precious hours of our lives and turning the world over to their destructive control. We only do those things because we have not yet worked out how to defend ourselves.

But the hour is becoming late, indeed.


Размышляя о движении «Захвати Уолл-стрит» тринадцать лет спустя

Тринадцать лет назад тысяча демонстрантов вышла на Уолл-стрит, оккупировав парк Зукотти и запустив то, что стало известно как движение «Захвати» (Occupy). Рассматривая эти события сегодня, мы видим, насколько изменился ландшафт социальных движений на фоне поляризации общества. Организаторы движения «Захвати Уолл-стрит» стремились создать движение, которое объединило бы всё общество против правящего порядка и тех немногих, кто от него выигрывает, мобилизуясь под лозунгом «Мы – 99%». Сегодня разногласия, разделяющие наше общество, только углубились, что делает социальные изменения ещё сложнее. Однако это только подчёркивает важность наследия движения «Захвати».


On November 27, 1884—in defiance of that day's Thanksgiving festivities—anarchists in the United States marched with the black flag for the first time, in a demonstration protesting poverty and explicitly calling for the forcible abolition of property and wage labor. This was documented in the anarchist paper The Alarm. 🏴

Today, this colonial holiday still reveals the tremendous gulf between the haves and the have-nots.

Показано 18 последних публикаций.