Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Breivik Syndrom Part 3
A mass murder with 100% proof should have NO RIGHT to request similar things
like NO RIGHT to request parole!
Ja. Han får sendt frankert post, men det er ikke gitt at det faktisk sendes, svarer Jordet.
Posten som sendes til og fra innsatte blir overvåket og sensurert av fengselsmyndighetene. Breivik klager over begrensningene han er underlagt, som bremser ned kontakten med omverdenen.
Yes. He can be sent franked mail, but it is not a given that it will actually be sent, Jordet replies.
The mail sent to and from inmates is monitored and censored by the prison authorities. Breivik complains about the restrictions he is subject to, which slow down his contact with the outside world.
Norway has the full right to check what he is sending and block that, at the end what he needed to say, he already said in the 1500 pages.
Norway should have no right to block things, if such things are related to explanation "why i did that?", "how is my relation with my family", since such infos are useful for investigations ... but obviously only specific people should get such infos, means not right wing supporters ...
«Dere har satt meg i helvete (...) og jeg vil ikke klare å overleve så lenge. Dere dreper meg,» skrev han til fengselsmyndighetene i november, og truet med sultestreik og ytterligere vold fra høyreekstreme.
"You have put me in hell (...) and I will not be able to survive this long. You are killing me," he wrote to prison authorities in November, threatening a hunger strike and further violence from the far right.
Well, this WAS YOUR DECISION! so don't complain now!
Plus even by getting death sentence, you would still live 20+ years in the same way ... Not just because you get death sentence, you will die after 3 seconds ...
A mass murder with 100% proof should have NO RIGHT to request similar things
like NO RIGHT to request parole!
Ja. Han får sendt frankert post, men det er ikke gitt at det faktisk sendes, svarer Jordet.
Posten som sendes til og fra innsatte blir overvåket og sensurert av fengselsmyndighetene. Breivik klager over begrensningene han er underlagt, som bremser ned kontakten med omverdenen.
Yes. He can be sent franked mail, but it is not a given that it will actually be sent, Jordet replies.
The mail sent to and from inmates is monitored and censored by the prison authorities. Breivik complains about the restrictions he is subject to, which slow down his contact with the outside world.
Norway has the full right to check what he is sending and block that, at the end what he needed to say, he already said in the 1500 pages.
Norway should have no right to block things, if such things are related to explanation "why i did that?", "how is my relation with my family", since such infos are useful for investigations ... but obviously only specific people should get such infos, means not right wing supporters ...
«Dere har satt meg i helvete (...) og jeg vil ikke klare å overleve så lenge. Dere dreper meg,» skrev han til fengselsmyndighetene i november, og truet med sultestreik og ytterligere vold fra høyreekstreme.
"You have put me in hell (...) and I will not be able to survive this long. You are killing me," he wrote to prison authorities in November, threatening a hunger strike and further violence from the far right.
Well, this WAS YOUR DECISION! so don't complain now!
Plus even by getting death sentence, you would still live 20+ years in the same way ... Not just because you get death sentence, you will die after 3 seconds ...