Репост из: Facts behind Terrorism and Telegram by GRT ( ISIS / Hamas / Gaza - Palestine / Al-Qa'ida )
Norway - an organisational disaster
One thing we agree with Breivik 2000%! and other foreigners in Norway too ...
Norway is too "good" and liberal ... which is not ok at all, like we said in the past
but then it still depends what you mean with "liberal" ... at the end even in Norway human rights are still missing and other things are not perfect ...
22. juli plasserte Anders Behring Breivik uhindret sin bil lastet med en bombe på 950 kilo helt inntil hovedblokken i regjeringskvartalet. To måneder etterpå er det ingenting som hindrer kjøretøy fra å passere og stanse bare en armlengdes avstand fra Stortinget.
On 22 July, Anders Behring Breivik unhindered placed his car loaded with a 950 kilogram bomb right up to the main block in the government quarter. Two months later, there is nothing to prevent vehicles from passing and stopping just an arm's length away from the Storting.
VG har undersøkt tilstanden i Beredskaps-Norge. Manglene er omfattende, både når det gjelder organisering, utstyr og trening.
VG has investigated the situation in Beredskaps-Norge. The shortcomings are extensive, both in terms of organisation, equipment and training.
Vi nærmer oss en kritisk grense. Innen få år må politikerne ta stilling til om de skal ha denne strukturen eller krympe Sivilforsvaret ytterligere, sier Jon A. Lea, sjef for Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap, som er ansvarlig for driften av Sivilforsvaret, til VG.
We are approaching a critical limit. Within a few years, the politicians will have to decide whether they should have this structure or shrink the Civil Defense further, says Jon A. Lea, head of the Directorate for Community Security and Preparedness, which is responsible for the operation of the Civil Defence, to VG.
Politihelikopteret i Oslo kan bare fly 900 timer i året, eller 2,5 timer om dagen. 22. juli var hele mannskapet på ferie.
The police helicopter in Oslo can only fly 900 hours a year, or 2.5 hours a day. On 22 July, the entire crew was on holiday.
One thing we agree with Breivik 2000%! and other foreigners in Norway too ...
Norway is too "good" and liberal ... which is not ok at all, like we said in the past
but then it still depends what you mean with "liberal" ... at the end even in Norway human rights are still missing and other things are not perfect ...
22. juli plasserte Anders Behring Breivik uhindret sin bil lastet med en bombe på 950 kilo helt inntil hovedblokken i regjeringskvartalet. To måneder etterpå er det ingenting som hindrer kjøretøy fra å passere og stanse bare en armlengdes avstand fra Stortinget.
On 22 July, Anders Behring Breivik unhindered placed his car loaded with a 950 kilogram bomb right up to the main block in the government quarter. Two months later, there is nothing to prevent vehicles from passing and stopping just an arm's length away from the Storting.
VG har undersøkt tilstanden i Beredskaps-Norge. Manglene er omfattende, både når det gjelder organisering, utstyr og trening.
VG has investigated the situation in Beredskaps-Norge. The shortcomings are extensive, both in terms of organisation, equipment and training.
Vi nærmer oss en kritisk grense. Innen få år må politikerne ta stilling til om de skal ha denne strukturen eller krympe Sivilforsvaret ytterligere, sier Jon A. Lea, sjef for Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap, som er ansvarlig for driften av Sivilforsvaret, til VG.
We are approaching a critical limit. Within a few years, the politicians will have to decide whether they should have this structure or shrink the Civil Defense further, says Jon A. Lea, head of the Directorate for Community Security and Preparedness, which is responsible for the operation of the Civil Defence, to VG.
Politihelikopteret i Oslo kan bare fly 900 timer i året, eller 2,5 timer om dagen. 22. juli var hele mannskapet på ferie.
The police helicopter in Oslo can only fly 900 hours a year, or 2.5 hours a day. On 22 July, the entire crew was on holiday.