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Another day, another bless. Let’s welcome this blissful day with full of blessings! As one of our fellow is having his special day. Na Jaemin is the name of his. And in this joyful day, we’re celebrating his glory for passing another year with his toughtful mind and tough self. For another year of uneasiness, stand up and cheer him up on his day!
Happiest birthday to Na Jaemin and all Jaemin rp-ers especially Nana, Afhran, Dante, Jeo, Neica, Felixio, Joestin, Felix, Sastra, Mirzha, Michigo, Kafka, Narevan, Jarvi, Gama, Sabda, Kaisar, Bian, Najen, Navin, Jemian, Jerico, Igaf, Meraki, Raka, Vegas, Nala, Draga, Naufal, Azka, Gaza, Kazu, Javi, Abimala, Nobel, Arkananta, Jevais, Azriel, Tara, Arthur, Jeandrel, Cheeko, Narviandra, Kahfi, Jeido and Adipta! 🎊
May you have the best of the day and year. Enjoy your own day and smile happily, always.
Happiest birthday to Na Jaemin and all Jaemin rp-ers especially Nana, Afhran, Dante, Jeo, Neica, Felixio, Joestin, Felix, Sastra, Mirzha, Michigo, Kafka, Narevan, Jarvi, Gama, Sabda, Kaisar, Bian, Najen, Navin, Jemian, Jerico, Igaf, Meraki, Raka, Vegas, Nala, Draga, Naufal, Azka, Gaza, Kazu, Javi, Abimala, Nobel, Arkananta, Jevais, Azriel, Tara, Arthur, Jeandrel, Cheeko, Narviandra, Kahfi, Jeido and Adipta! 🎊
May you have the best of the day and year. Enjoy your own day and smile happily, always.