Take a good look around you, look at the people you’re surrounded by, your friends, family, co-workers… how many of them do actually believe will stand strong against this system actively trying to genocide White people when the time comes? How many have already gotten the vaccine and made excuses why they “had to” How many send their kids off to anti white schools with masks on their faces? How many, waste time playing video games and watching sportsball instead of physically and mentally bettering themselves? How many actually listen to you when you tell them what’s happening instead of rolling their eyes? Guess what… these people are useless, they will betray you to save themselves when the time comes, they only want to remain comfortable and feel safe. These types aren’t worth wasting your time and effort on, you must create a tight community of like minded warriors who are willing to replace comfort for conviction and stand against this world that is actively trying to kill our people. Clock is ticking