Feruz Karimov | IELTS 7.5

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• IELTS 7.5 | Listening 8.5
- IELTS tips and advices
- Free feedback
- Answers to your questions
- Online courses
Contact: @FeruzKarimov

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How to use articles, magazines and newspapers effectively?

- Read the text out loud, so you will improve your speaking skills as well
- Translate every single word you don't know
- Write a summary for what you read
- Make sure that you are understanding each sentence, if not, re-read and try to understand

If you want to improve your reading, then then try to include reading articles, magazines or newspapers into your daily routine. By doing this, you will improve your comprehension skills and learn new words. By reading articles for at least 30 minutes per day, you will see progress after 1 month inshaAllah.


Webinarni kutyabsizmi?
  •   Ha albatta!
  •   Yoq, men qatnashmayman
14 голосов

Multiple choice da qiynalayotganlar uchun zo'r imkoniyat. Qo'lingizdan boy bermang!

Live webinar🚀

"How to tackle with multiple choice questions in IELTS listening"

📅 Date: 12th March
⏰ Time: 8:00 PM
🗣 Speaker:
@FeruzKarimovIELTS (Band 7.5, Listening 8.5)
📍 Venue: @FeruzKarimovIELTS

Yangi kelganlar bolsa shu pollga ovoz bervorilar😊

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
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🎙What is a calorie?


Al will advise a defendant in court.pdf

💬 Al will advise a defendant in court

~5 min read


💬 Academic Writing sample materials and examiner comments

Source: ielts.org


How to use podcasts to improve listening skills?

- Read the short summary of the podcast. Predict three things you think the presenters will talk about. Listen and check.
- Choose ten words, phrases or collocations you think the presenters will use. Play bingo. How many did you hear? If you listen to the same podcasts regularly, you will start to notice the same phrases appearing again and again.
- Play two minutes of the podcast. Stop and predict what you will hear next. Continue listening. Were you correct? Repeat this at a few different points in the podcast.
- Listen to the whole podcast without stopping. Write a short summary of what you heard, or record an audio summary of it. Listen again and see if you can add any extra information. Repetition will improve your confidence.
- Choose a piece of grammar you’d like to improve, like the present perfect. Focus on listening for it. How many times did you hear it? What contexts is it used in?
- Listen and repeat what a speaker is saying. Mumble it under your breath. Repeating this a few times can really help your pronunciation.

A few tips:

- As a student, don’t be depressed if you find a podcast difficult to understand at first. Some presenters speak very quickly, and there may be concepts you have not heard before. You have two choices: keep listening and be patient – it may take time, but you will start to understand more; alternatively, choose a different podcasts – there are plenty out there!
- Listen to the same podcast a few times. You’ll notice a lot more language the second and third time you hear it.


Ancient icy calamity left its marks on bacterial DNA.pdf

💬 Ancient icy calamity left its marks on bacterial DNA

~3 min read



💬 Why do we feel nostalgia?


Everything you need for IELTS > @UZIELTSuzbot

Listening da qaysi savol turida qiynalasiz?
  •   Multiple choice
  •   Matching
  •   Plan, map, diagram labelling
  •   Form, note, table, flow-chart, summary completion
  •   Sentence completion
  •   Short-answer questions
35 голосов

Listeningdan webinar qilamizmi?
  •   Ha, listeningdan qiynalaman
  •   Men tayyorman
  •   Yoq
34 голосов

Listening dan 8.5 olishda menga yordam bergan narsalar:

1) Podcastlar

Har kuni metroda ketayotganimda kamida 1 soat podcastlar eshitar edim. Va shu jarayonda scriptlarga qarab ketar edim. Podcastlarni chunib eshitish kerak, agar sizga podcast temasi qiziq bo'lmasa ozingizga qiziq bo'lgan temada podcastni tanlab tushunib eshiting.

Podcastlarni qayerdan topsam boladi?


Podcastlardan foydalanish:

Podcastni eshitishni boshlaysiz va shu paytning ozida script ga qarab ketasiz. Agar sizga podcast osonlik qilsa, varroqga o'zingiz script yozasiz, ya'ni har bitta aytilgan soz va gapni varroqga ko'chirasiz. Kuniga kamida 1 soat shunga ajratsangiz bir oyda progress boladi InshaAllah.

2) Listening testlardan audiolar

Cambridge 8 dan boshlab listening testni audiosini olasiz va 1, 4 part scriptni varroqga yozishni boshlaysiz. Bu jarayonda sizni comprehension skillslariz oshadi. Kuniga kamida 2 test qilishingizni tavsiya qilaman.

Audiolarni qayerdan topsam boladi?

Youtube ga cambridge kitobni sonini va nechinchi testligini yozib qidirasiz, masalan 'Cambridge 8 listening test 1'

3) Youtube da inglizcha videolar

Bo'sh vaqtimda o'zimga qiziq bolgan videolarni faqat inglizchada ko'rar edim. Masalan: MrBeast va Joe Rogan. Siz o'zingizga qiziq bo'lgan videoni tanlab ko'rishingiz mumkun, maksimum effect uchun subtitle larni yoqib qoyishni tavsiya qilaman.


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