One More Thing i found that PubgM anticheat Is full at 100% so its detecting paks too ? So i got to an conclusion any cheat is not safe for 3days remember it will be back to normal again very less pubgm activates its Anticheat To high at full it usually happens when they need to clear data or server upgradation maybe its high because of PUBGM IND why me saying because they need to transfer all Global Users Data To migrate in IND those who wants to So they put anticheat to high so 30-40% account get suspended or Banned so it will be easier for them to transfer data and thus all Versions Server attached to One Mother server PIP server so IF PIP on at 100% then it effective to all Versions of PUBGM So all Versions anticheat High Seems PIP anticheat High at Full Why i told 3days to back on Normal Because PIP server Get Encrypted data as Per IND GOVT rule so they need Time to Do so max 3 days enough to Do . These are my assumption maybe i am wrong but very high chances for Being at 100% ON at these kind of reasons only Thankyou
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