🇫🇷⚔️⁉️ — On French social media, it was reported that on the weekend that Durandal, the Legendary Sword of Roland - A Frankish Paladin under the Carolingian Emperor Charlemagne -, which was embedded in the rock for centuries in Rocamadour was stolen by unknown people.
➡️ Given the context of the elections, the decision was taken not to communicate before this Monday
➡️ An investigation, entrusted to the local gendarmerie, was opened, learned from’elle 20 Minutes, confirming the information of the Dépêche newspaper.
🔗 Fdesouche.com est une revue de presse (@F_Desouche)
➡️ Given the context of the elections, the decision was taken not to communicate before this Monday
➡️ “It’s an invaluable asset. To my knowledge, Durandal is the only legendary sword that really exists,” laments the mayor of Rocamadour (Lot), Dominique Lenfant, this Monday.
➡️ An investigation, entrusted to the local gendarmerie, was opened, learned from’elle 20 Minutes, confirming the information of the Dépêche newspaper.
🔗 Fdesouche.com est une revue de presse (@F_Desouche)