< 🍀🎋⛰📗 > 수천 일 수십억 초가 지나면 내 수명이 줄어들어 더 빨리 죽음에 이를 때가 왔다. 이 나이에 다음 나이까지 계속 볼 수 있기를 바랍니다.
⠀⠀⠀️⠀after thousands of days and billions of seconds, this time has come, the time when my lifespan will decrease to more quickly lead to death. I hope at this age I can still see you until the next age.
⠀⠀⠀️⠀after thousands of days and billions of seconds, this time has come, the time when my lifespan will decrease to more quickly lead to death. I hope at this age I can still see you until the next age.