Gardens of Virtue

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Run by: أبو عبد الرحمن زين
For general Reminders & Benefits from the People of ‘Ilm
[..The Means of Success and Attaining It by Following the Footsteps of Our Righteous Predecessors..]
بارك الله فيكم

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Imām Ibn ʿUthaymīn رحمه الله was asked:

"There are some students of knowledge who are avid upon attending the classes of students of knowledge, and they do not attend the classes of the ʿUlamāʾ who have knowledge which none of these students of knowledge have obtained. What is your opinion on this?"

Imām Ibn ʿUthaymīn answered:

"In my view, it is a must for a person to seek knowledge from a senior scholar, because some students of knowledge sit to teach, and they come to conclusions on matters - regardless of whether they are in ḥadīth, fiqh, ʿaqīdah - and they revise these matters, so that if the beginner student of knowledge listens to him, he thinks that he is from the greatest of ʿUlamāʾ! However, if he even obtained an iota of knowledge on this topic he had come to such a conclusion on, he would find this person has no knowledge whatsoever. Therefore it is obligatory upon the Student of Knowledge to take knowledge from those ʿUlamāʾ who have been praised due to their knowledge, trustworthiness, and the uprightness of their Dīn."

Kitāb al-ʿIlm (104-105)

Репост из: Maktabah Al-Awzā’ī
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

We are pleased to announce the start of a new summer student of knowledge programme called, “Imām Al-Awzā’ī Programme” in Masjid Al Imām Muqbil.

Many subjects will be covered in this programme over the span of a month, including:

- Arabic grammar
- Principles of Fiqh
- Hadīth Terminology
- Tawhīd
- Aqīdah
- Fiqh
- Tajwīd
- Principles of Tafsīr

11 books are being taught in this programme.

We advise those who can attend and benefit to do so.

We ask Allāh to make it beneficial and fruitful.

والحمد لله

This individual mentions “when the ignorant people start giving fatawa”

Ustādh ‘Abd al-‘Azīz al-Haqqān حفظه الله only narrates from Imām ‘Uthaymeen, Imām bin Bāz and etc.

So in reality, who is this dog calling ignorant? Go and open their books of fataawaa and read it front to back over and over for years before opening your mouth yaa himār.

These people are the weakest of the weak. Such are ahlul bid’ah. There would be a 100 point refutation and they will bring out one thing and attempt to reply to it while misunderstanding the context that the people of ‘ilm speak in and they think that they have accomplished something. And then you have masakeen listening to them and relaying what they hear from them. And they say “you are sheep” and “you are blind followers”. Allāh al-Musta’ān.

And sought the ways to protect their ‘Īmān

And this is from maintaining and preserving oneself

Were the Salaf such people that came out and said we have strong ‘Īmān?? Instead, they feared for themselves

Do not present yourself in front of evil

The Salaf would block all paths that lead to evil so now the chance lessens. There is a hadīth where the Prophet says that he blocked all the paths that lead to fitnah [or something to that extent] in his heart. This is Hikmah.

A person doesnt just throw himself in front of a bus and says that he is able to survive if it hits him. This is stupidity. Or goes onto a battlefield without a shield while they are arrows flying all around him. If a person think that swords are the only point of attack that the enemy has then he is a fool. The Shaytān has more tools that we know.

Rather, when a person constantly protects himself from evil and fitnah this is what creates discipline and strength within a person such that he is able to actually protect himself when he is tested.

Away from this, a person must have determination and must be able to overcome. He must have perseverance and will. This is from the keys to success. A person must be able to see the attacks of the enemies so that when they are in front of him he can recognise and acknowledge what he should avoid and how he should act and how he should not act… what he should do and what he should not do.. etc.

This is a perfect example of what can happen if a person thinks that he is safe from evil and doubts. And this way that the Salaf would think is a way of Hikmah

Another benefit from this is how the Salaf would never think themselves as being safe guarded from evil

A clown

This individual does not realise that he is a laughing stock

Look at this complete fool. Take this person as an example and do not be like him. A Jāhil Mubtadi. Also, narrating from those with mental illnesses is not permissible. Many of the ones who used to know this fool said they genuinely believe that he has mental health issues. And it seems as so that he does. This dog thought he was capable of understanding books and issues above his level and taking ‘ilm from the ahlul bid’ah. This is a great cause of deviation. He says it is permissible and now look at this fool.. he has deviated. Do not take from ahlul bid’ah unless you are an ‘ālim so that you can protect yourself from shubuhāt and so yoi dont end up like this jaahil mubtadi who doesnt even know what 1+1 is and he’s speaking about issues of the Dīn of Allāh. Take this fool as an example.

Ibrāhīm b. Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan said: (Imām) Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal was brought before the caliph (Muʿtaṣim) and Ibn Abī Duwād (ie: the Muʿtazilī) and Abū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Shāfīʿī were there too.
أخبرنا إسماعيل بن أحمد، ومحمد بن أبى القاسم، قالا: أخبرنا حَمْد بن أحمد، قال: حدثنا أحمد بن عبد الله الحافظ، قال: حدثنا الحسين بن محمد، قال: حدثنا عبد الرحمن بن الفيض، قال: سمعت إبراهيم بن محمد بن الحسن، يقول: أُدخل أحمد بن حنبل على الخَليفة وعنده ابن أبى دُؤاد وأبو عَبد الرحمن الشافعى،

(Imām Aḥmad) was seated in front of the caliph.
فأُجلس بين يدى الخليفة،

They (the audience) were frightened and they (the executioners) had just finished beheading two men.
وكانوا هوَّلوا عليه، وقد كانوا ضَربوا عُنق رجلين؛

Aḥmad looked at Abī ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Shāfīʿī and asked: “Do you have anything (ie: any aḥadīth) from al-Shāfīʿī on al-masaḥ (ie: wiping over one's footwear)?”
فَنظر أحمد إلى أبى عبد الرحمن الشافعى، فقال: أىّ شىءٍ تَحفظ عن الشافعى فى المسح؟

Upon this Ibn Abī Duwād said: “Look at this man! He is brought here to be beheaded and he is discussing fiqh!”
فقال ابن أبى دُؤاد: انظروا رجلًا هو ذا يُقدم به لضربِ العنق يُناظر فى الفِقه!

Ibn al-Jāwzī, Manāqib al-Imām Aḥmad 1/433
ابن الجوزي، مناقب الإمام أحمد ١/٤٣٣

@ilmtest []

[some books/articles translated into english by some brothers, may Allāh reward them]

Hāfidh Zubayr ‘Alī Za’ī رحمه الله works now Alhamdulillah


Shaykh Abdul Azeem Madani حفظه الله ( an indian Salafī scholar from south India) said in one of his videos explaining why we shouldn't deem any good deed to be insignificant & then he narrated the story of Imām Muqbil the Imām belonged to a poor family so in order to earn money he came to Makkah so he started working at a lodge & worked as a sweeper there, so a person who had come for umrah or hajj a sincere man he gifted the young muqbil a small book of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab's Kitab At Tawhīd, so that haji gave this young man named Muqbil a small copy of Shaykh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab's Kitab At Tawhīd, so that small copy of the book affected the young muqbil so much that he said all types of shirk that are widespread in our society have been refuted by evidence, Tawhid & the conditions of Tawhid everything has been explained & understood very well by the author, so he read it once, twice, thrice so this small copy of Kitab At Tawhid became a means & inspired him to being his journey of seeking knowledge he thought to him myself, it is not my job to work here at this lodge as a cleaner/sweeper but rather i should seek knowledge, so that small copy created the love for seeking knowledge in his heart & developed the passion for seeking knowledge so much so that he got inspired by it then he sought knowledge, studied in the Madinah University & then attained such a high status in the field of Hadith that today the 2nd most Reliable & Trustworthy name in the field of Hadith after Imām Al-Albani is his name Imām Muqbil رحمه الله, in the end Shaykh Abdul Azeem حفظه الله said We can say that, that small gift of 1 riyal given with passion & sincerity gave the Ummah a sincere Alim although that man probably doesn't even know that the young man whom he gave this was Imam Muqbil & he'll come to know about it on Day of Judgement, the shaykh ended his speech with the hadith of our Beloved Nabī ﷺ: Do not belittle any good deed. So Do not belittle any good deed & try to perform every good deed with passion & sincerity.

Репост из: Maktabah Al-Awzā’ī
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