Southern Secessionist Sanctuary-Georgia Divison

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This is the Georgia state division of Southern Secessionist Sanctuary designed to help protect, serve, uplift, preserve, and free the state of Georgia in the fight for Southern Independence! Deo Vindice!

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Georgia Military Institute was formed in 1851 to defend the state of Georgia. Unlike Virginia's, it's less renown but the Georgia Cadets saw combat despite their youthful age. Several of the Young Georgians would die in combat fighting against Sherman's invasion in 1864. The institute was destroyed by the dirty Yankees but surprisingly reopened in 2008 in Marietta (it's original birthplace.).

I would love to be ambassador to Brazil in a Free South

Репост из: Terceira Posição Paulista
Francisco Barreto Leme, o fundador de Campinas.

Репост из: Terceira Posição Paulista
Beatrice Stopa, Paulistinha Confederada 🇾🇪🇹🇹

Once again we must work to help our brothers in South Brazil when we become independent

Репост из: Terceira Posição Paulista
📍 Santa Bárbara d'Oeste

- São Paulo 🇾🇪

Репост из: Jason Kessler
JUST IN: An Antifa group is now calling for “reciprocal violence” against police officers after an antifascist died in a bloody shootout with a Georgia State Patrolman.

Happy secession day!

Репост из: Active Georgia
Old 1930s Georgia photo featuring a Southern belle. When Georgia is free we will work to re-Southernernize the state and its people. This will be a massive effort but key to it is clamping down on media which is inheritably anti-Southern in nature. There must be a filter on what is allowed in our country.

If Trump and DeSanctis face off in GOP primary it's easy to see that Trump will get whipped. After the mid-terms Georgians have very little faith in him and here's good reason for that regardless of how you see Desantis. I'm coming at this from someone on fence and secessionist. I'm merely stating the Trumpster's toast in this state.

Репост из: Active Georgia
Help spread the message of a Free Georgia today!

UGA bark bark

Репост из: Young Dixie
The left hates the Confederacy because it was the embodiment of everything they are against. The CSA was a decentralized Confederation of small government ruralites who believed in honor, obligation, racial purity and order. The left believes in an anti-White-centered equalitarian urban based technocracy put in power by mob rule. In their minds, it's the Federal government's job to enforce said ideology into every corner of the USA regardless if said inhabitants want to accept it or not. The South and it's Confederacy is a rejection of and polar opposite of the the American Lefts ultimate dream society. On top of this the fact they literally kept the modern day leftists gods, black people, in slavery is something that enrages the leftist. There not so bad as to the fact we had slavery but the fact the people enslaved were blacks. This is why modern slavery and every other ancient society that had slavery is an after thought to the egotistical Leftists while the CSA is considered a proto-Nazi Germany.

Репост из: Southern Secessionist Sanctuary
I agree with these points but I would like to add that we are White Nationalists and should use that to our advantage. We are unique because we are "the villains" the (((mainstream media))) warns everyone about. We also are the most masculine political ideology out there. We can use that to our advantage with normies.

Who do you think is more interesting, someone like me running a radio show which discusses verboten topics? or a bunch of simpy beta males who all look talk and act the same way and have weak mannerisms.

David Duke said on Friday's show that if you don't cave and actually be upfront about who you are, people even if they disagree with respect it and eventually follow.

That reminded me of how I recently converted a woman to our side because after trying to test me and go what about this what about that, I just said upfront I am not sorry for defending my race. She started making excuses to spend more time around me and eventually become a quiet supporter of our cause. I bet if I said no I'm not racist or whatever the fake comment to save face, it would have ended and she wouldn't have been curious.

She followed and submitted to me and the thing is women want to follow us but need to be lead.

This whole trad movement is just a fantasy that puts women on top of everything and allows them to set the terms and conditions of society(which they hate doing) I can't tell you how many times women tell me in private (I feel like a man now because I have to do "x") They don't like it.

Feminism same thing, women don't like to be in charge. They want to be taken care of and in turn show their love for children.

If you make women work for the movement, over time because they are investing, they will make it a part of them. Stop with the idealizations, go out and actually make yourself a strong worthy leader and you can have a whole harem of women if you wanted!

The reason Blacks get what they want is because they assert it and demand it. They aren't nice and nice guys finish last. If we let in all the women who race mixed and turned this movement into a pity party because Tyrone beat them up, they probably didn't have good instincts to begin with. Race mixers are not welcome. Don't be a White knight or any of this garbage. Women don't like it!

A bunch of men who I coach on these issues privately ask me what do they do to get what they want with women, I tell them this...

"They want a man that other men want to be like and other women want to be with. Go be that man!"

Forget the internet trad garbage, forget feminism, it's all internet cringe. Go outside and grind. Chase your purpose and dreams. Orient yourself around the cause but also financial freedom, physical strength, and overcoming spiritual slavery and it radiates like gamma!

Quote from Thomas Cobb, a Georgian Southern Nationalist, concerning the 1860 election and the Yankee question. As you can see here he doesn't consider the majority of the North to be of the same people as Dixians/Southerners. Take note how he mentioned that the Republican Party would like very much to have Southerners killed by their own slaves. The parrel to modern day Democrats and the upcoming 2024 election is there. Democrats would love to see modern Southerners wiped out by non-Whites and there's no reason to remain in a political union with such a hateful vile people.

some hardline fed posting from MTG lol

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