1. The longest Novel Ever
The world’s longest novel ever written is Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust, or A la recherche du temps perdu in its native tongue (French). The novel is estimated to have 9,609,000 characters.
2. The Longest Audiobook Ever
The longest audiobook in the world is almost five days long. It was published in 2008 in Japan, and consists of lectures from Takaaki Yoshimoto, a philosopher, poet and literary critic. The total runtime is 115 hours, 43 minutes.
The world’s longest novel ever written is Remembrance of Things Past by Marcel Proust, or A la recherche du temps perdu in its native tongue (French). The novel is estimated to have 9,609,000 characters.
2. The Longest Audiobook Ever
The longest audiobook in the world is almost five days long. It was published in 2008 in Japan, and consists of lectures from Takaaki Yoshimoto, a philosopher, poet and literary critic. The total runtime is 115 hours, 43 minutes.