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annoying sister 😁🤍

moots ─ moots .. ini adik ngeselinnya peyisha but she's also my fav🅾urite lil sista, ma favourite frienddeu EVER ‼ .. 😵💫😵💫. her name is awara, let's say ' hELL🌀u ' buat awara 🤠🤘🏻. gadis kecil .. tapi uda gede katanya 🤨 biasa aku panggil dek awa ini hobinya rebahan sembarangan di kamar ku 👊🏻💢. tapi, dek awa ini bener ─ bener baik && nurut, note ; kalo ada maunya 😠😡. dia ini super duper ngeselin .. aku sendiri suka cape kalo uda berhadapan sama dia .. 💀, katanya kalo ngga ngeselin itu ngga asik .. wt─ 😁⁉ tapi kalo dia ngga ngeselin sehari aja aku bakal ngerasa ada sesuatu yang aneh sama dek awa && rumah otomatis sepi 🌀 _____ 🌀. se ngeselin apapun dek awa, she's still ma beloveddddd lil sista && I LOVEEE DEK AWA SOOO MATCHA 😵💢😵💢. she just a baby 🤪🤘🏻 .. manja nya dari dulu ngga berubah 🙅🏻‍♀💫. she's sooo kind && playful nd warm pers🅾n .. that's why everyone loves her, especially me ‼🙋🏻‍♀. last, three words for ma beloved sista, keep being you 💌💫.

the prettiest mom 🤘🏻💫

EYY0 m👀ts 👋🏻 let's say ' bonjour ' to ma precious mom .. MOMMY REBECCA 😵💫😵💫. ma be♡d mom, the prettiest mom && the best mom ever ‼. lol it's like luck is raining on me .. bc my mom is such an ANGLE 🤪🤘🏻🤪🤘🏻, everyone knows that, esp tetangga and ibu ─ ibu komplek termasuk temen sekolah ku, YA GAK SEH MOM ⁉😵. she's SOOO kind .. lOVely mom, that's why i LOVEEE my mom so muchhiieee 🙆🏻‍♀, she's smart, her soul is full of L♡VE nd she likes to make a LOT OF DELICI🅾US FOOD 4 ME 💫💫, but she always angy .. all the time 😁😁. yap kaya mommy ─ mommy biasanya, mommy rebecca juga suka marah apalagi kalo kamar anak ─ anaknya super berantakan 💤, BUT I LOVEE HER SM 💌 i love her angelic personality 👼🏻. sometimes, she can be a g👀d friend to share st🅾ries, temen hangout terbaik, tipe ─ tipe mommy gaul + KECE BADAII 🤘🏻😵. nd last, three words for mommy, happiness is you (。•̀ᴗ-) ♡.

awchiie dankkiie sooo matchaa 🌀 _____ 🌀

📝 drop your classy @. as .. to get a fake desc 🤘🏻👀

👤 @ningxyizuo as adek nyebelin😉

👤 @ddesrosie as ur mommy

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good morning ─ good l👀king 💀🤘🏻 .. don't skippeu your bre🅰kfast && have a wonderful day y'all 🤠💫🤠💫

who's that bBeaUtifuL gIrL × ______ × ⁉ she's an attr🅰ctive girl❗. wait .. uGH Goddamn it ‼💨, l👀k at her cHArMinG fFaCe 😵💫😵💫. pe🅾ple seem to be hypnotized by her visuals 💉💉 && will say that she is a #GODDESS богиня цветок лепесток ✯ _____ ✯ ✋🏻.

she was born on January 16, 1996 💥 .. 💥 a pretty nUMber isn't it ⁉🤨 Y4SHsHh everyone knows that 🤘🏻🤘🏻. she's the owner of that ad🌀rable smile, fAmOus and rAdiAnt ❔❔ええ、それは彼女です!. people believe that cette fille est née quand l'univers souriait, then God cre🅰ted her with all the perfection in this gGiRL .. 👭🏻.

look at her shining eyes 👀💫👀💫, she will always lOOk incReDibLe 🌀 ______ 🌀. she has a adDOraBle name ‼, she was named Peyisha D'Jodellies .. wh🅰tta adorable name she has 😵🤘🏻😵🤘🏻.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ‼ DiSClaiMer ⁉⚠ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

ㅤㅤㅤ Due to @telegram's privacy policy 👮🏻‍♂💨 i declare that i am not the real Jennie Kim 💯🚸. this channel and account was created solely for rROlepLaying only 🚧. all the media that is here i tOOk it from .. youtube, pinterest, instagram, google and others 💤.

ㅤㅤㅤ DNI ; if you're hHOmoPhobic 🚫🗯, grammar police 🩹🩹, racist, rprl area 🥴 && plagi🅰rism ❌‼.

ㅤㅤㅤ pls don't copy anything here, you won't look c👀l with it 💀💨. if your feel uncomfortable with this ch🅰nnel, feel free to unsubscribe this channel but don't forget to kick or remove 🚫🚫 my acc🌀unt from your channel first .. ⚠

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