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🪞The TV anthology “Black Mirror” is one of the best British TV series of the XXI century. What problems the creators of the project do not raise in their futuristic parables: cyborgization, social networks, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, digital immortality...

The episodes are not connected to each other, and you can watch “Mirror” from anywhere. The only thing that unites the series - their creator Charlie Brooker and the theme of the impact of technology on people.

Since we touched on "Black Mirror" a bit today, to follow up, catch a selection of the most interesting episodes🎥

Ну ето же literally me speaking with natives

So real now…

😱Black Mirror is here: In100gr@m* is launching AI Studio, which will be used to create your own digital copy, train it, and trust it to communicate in direct.

💻Zuckerberg claims this will be a true digital revolution. Everyone will be able to train the AI with their manners, temperament and humor. Of the limitations - it is personalization and a ban on creating other personalities than you. No one will put Jigan in their direct

It will also be possible to limit the range of people with whom the bot will interact, and put a block on certain topics in communication. From real examples of AI application are a personal nutrition coach from chef Mark Murphy and a bot from photographer Angel Barkley, which introduces the profession.

Time will tell whether this is a revolution or not, but you can already imagine the bot flirting with Turks from Direct for you and begging for money for a ticket👍

I think this news also fits under the heading “Cringe or Bomb"😅 What do you think?

  •   cringe🫣
  •   bomb🔥
12 голосов

Telegram founder Durov said that he has more than 100 biological children🤯

The entrepreneur said that 15 years ago, one of his friends asked him to donate sperm at the clinic because he and his wife could not have children. The head of the medical institution suggested that Durov donate more sperm in order to anonymously help more couples, since there is not enough "high-quality donor material".
The boss of the clinic told me that “high quality donor material” was in short supply and that it was my civic duty to donate more sperm to anonymously help more couples. This sounded crazy enough to get me to sign up for sperm donation

☝🏻Durov also said that he plans to open his DNA code so that his biological children can find each other easier. The entrepreneur added that he wants to help destigmatize the concept of sperm donation and encourage more healthy men to donate their donor material.

One question: cringe or bomb?

Джи Эммммм, френдс!🐸🧡

🌎A Difficult Start to this Week: a Strong Magnetic Storm is Approaching the Earth

☀️A solar flare that occurred on the night of July 29th can cause a strong magnetic storm on Earth, according to the Meteovesti portal of the Phobos weather center.

According to experts, an X1.5 class flare was recorded in the Sun at night, which is one of the twenty most powerful flares of this year. It is expected that on the night of July 30, a weak G1 class magnetic storm will begin on Earth, which will intensify in the evening and reach G3 class.

🧐What you need to know

Magnetic storms are classified on a five-point scale. G1-level storms have almost no effect on the operation of electronics, whereas G3-level storms can lead to failures in power systems and satellite communications. The most dangerous G5-level storms can cause serious problems with electrical networks and satellite navigation.

Strong magnetic storms can also negatively affect people's health, causing headaches, weakness, pressure surges and insomnia. This is due to a slowdown in capillary blood flow and oxygen starvation of tissues during fluctuations in the magnetic field🫀

GM, geese&gooslings!❤️

🤓The Simpsons' words were awarded a place in one of the oldest dictionaries in the UK — the Collins English Dictionary. Here are some of them👇🏼

✅— Do you like piano black products?

D-oooh – the neighbors radio!!

✅A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.

✅Yes Professor Smith, these citations are perfectly cromulent.

✅Her essay was absolutely craptacular.

✅Though I cherished my automobile, I had to purchase a new one when my second cousin came up from behind me and politely exclaimed, "Yoink" while taking my car keys.

📸Free media, paparazzi and corporations

🗽A separate and obviously favorite topic of “The Simpsons” creators is freedom of speech (one of the crowning phrases of Homer's “Take that, liberal media!”). Few episodes are without sarcastic jokes about television. To support them, a parody character of “service journalist” Kent Brockman was even created.

The conditionality of all freedoms on the Internet was also played up by the screenwriters: Homer created his own honest independent information site (Mister X) and even won a Pulitzer Prize, but quickly descended into fake news.
Among Homer's many professions is a successful “career” as a paparazzi, which leads the hero to reflect on the meaning of privacy and the violation of the boundaries of “praivasi” by journalists. Lisa Simpson is forced to publish her own wall newspaper” because tycoon Monty Burns has bought up all the media in general. And in one of the episodes the same Lisa faces a greedy modern corporation called Mapple. Heroes of the series have already been top persons from the media agenda - such as Mark Zuckerberg and Ilon Musk. At the same time, jokes about their own channel Fox in the series appear quite often☝🏻

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The kitchen of accurate predictions🔮

🎬Each episode of “The Simpsons”, if we simplify, has several levels of scripting: on the first level there are Charlie Chaplin-style “gags” (Homer regularly bangs his head against everything in the world), on the conventional second level the plot of the series itself is played out, including characters from the Simpsons universe, and on the third level the most interesting thing happens. Traditionally, each (or almost every) episode of the series is built on an analogy of a culturally significant story. The basis can be anything from ancient Greek myths to Quentin Tarantino's bloody movie tracts. Scriptwriters sometimes disguise the so-called precedent text with external layers of the event pie (it must be interesting to chew on info-food), but there are usually no mysteries for the regular audience. How do the creators manage to come up with new plots for 36 seasons and still accurately guess social trends and make predictions? The thing is, they don't. Well, or hardly at all🥱
They follow the numbers, make graphs... In general, they monitor everything that is burning. And in the scenarios themselves, they offer options for the development of events.

❓What “The Simpsons” predicted

Dotcoms, gentrification and making money in Dota👩🏻‍💻

Over the past three decades, there has not been any significant social trend that would not have caught in his cartoon lens “Simpsons”: economic upswings and recessions (Homer created the site on the wave of the dot-com boom and, of course, it ended badly), new trends in public life (the city of Springfield, the main dump of America, suddenly became the center of hipster culture - gentrification occurred). Relatively recently, Homer allowed Bart to spend many hours playing a computer game that looked suspiciously like Dota, because winning virtual tournaments brought money... Ring any bells?

🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤❓🥰

Good morning, our besties!😘

I belong to that small category of people who still haven't watched such iconic things as Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, South Park, The Avengers ect. Yes, yes, I exist! I haven't watched the Simpsons either, by the way. I can only explain for some memes. But I know for sure that the creators predicted a lot of things in their series. Today we will just recall such examples!

We hope that you will enjoy and feel nostalgic!😸

🌳 In the world with a widely developed eco-agenda, the "gray zone" remains the ideas of ordinary people about eco-friendly practices, the fight against littering, and the work of waste recycling companies. These topics are often mythologized, which greatly influences the formation of citizens' beliefs.

MarketingLAB, together with the eco-center "Clean Environment", conducted a study and interviewed NON-eco-active residents of Krasnodar in order to analyze their ideas about environmental problems more deeply📈


In Australia, an animal thought to be extinct has been spotted for the first time in over fifty years. But is the animal:
  •   a shark?
  •   a lizard?
  •   a parrot?
19 голосов

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Eco-anxiety is a complex emotional state associated with concerns about climate change and other environmental issues. It manifests itself in the form of fear of environmental destruction and can cause physical and psychological symptoms. Eco-anxiety began to attract more attention after 2017, especially after Greta Thunberg's speech at the UN Climate Change conference.

👇🏻This week's question is in the next post!👇🏻 Listen to the programme to hear the answer.


✔️compassion – strong feeling of sympathy for someone and the wish for them not to suffer
✔️what a something – phrase used to intensify the thing you are talking about; e.g. What a mess! What a nice surprise!
✔️ball game – set of circumstances that control how a situation happens
✔️impassioned – strongly motivated to express emotion or take action
✔️movement – group of people with the same beliefs, ideas and aims
✔️working life –the period of life spent in employment, between leaving school and retirement
✔️psychiatrists – a doctor trained in the treatment of mental illness → psychologist
✔️dementia – an illness that affects the brain and memory, and makes you gradually lose the ability to think and behave normally
✔️spotted – having small round marks of a different colour on the surface
✔️antidotes – a substance that stops the effects of a poison

  •   Environmental issues don't really bother me🥱
  •   It scares me how much the climate has changed🌧
  •   The ozone layer will die, and so will we😵
  •   I feel sorry for the animals. I am a vegan/vegetarian🧡
  •   I am engaged in promoting an environmentally friendly relationship with nature❤️‍🩹
18 голосов

Hello friends!😍

We are wondering how many eco-activists are here? And how concerned are you about environmental issues?

Показано 20 последних публикаций.