📰 miniApp got new features!
Hey everyone, Durov has shared with us some new features for miniApp. Let's face it: some of them are welcome, some of them are mediocre, and some of them, like star subscriptions in Telegram, are, to put it bluntly, unimpressive.
📝 Let's go through the updates:
- Full screen mode is great news! Maybe we'll see normal and engaging mobile games soon.
- Icons on the home screen - now it will be possible to enter Blum without opening the Telegram app. Great!
- Subscriptions and tariffs - in our opinion, this is not the most successful innovation, as now many apps will start to actively promote subscriptions.
- Geolocation access (with permission) - we'll probably see delivery apps or something like Pokemon Go.
- Gyroscope access - mostly useful for racing. We'll see what developers come up with.
- Emoji miniApp in status - now will display an emoji of the miniApp you have running next to your nickname.
- Sending gifts - apps will now be able to send gifts, interesting integration!
- Extended message limits - miniApps will now be able to message more people, turns out there used to be limits.
- Advertising monetization - miniApp will show ads from Telegram, and the developer will get 50% of the income.
These are the kind of updates that await us. It's great that Telegram is actively developing miniApp, not just providing features and leaving developers without support.
❓ What do you think of the updates?
👍 - Cool, soon we won't need the App Store!
🔥 - It's all about making money
Hey everyone, Durov has shared with us some new features for miniApp. Let's face it: some of them are welcome, some of them are mediocre, and some of them, like star subscriptions in Telegram, are, to put it bluntly, unimpressive.
📝 Let's go through the updates:
- Full screen mode is great news! Maybe we'll see normal and engaging mobile games soon.
- Icons on the home screen - now it will be possible to enter Blum without opening the Telegram app. Great!
- Subscriptions and tariffs - in our opinion, this is not the most successful innovation, as now many apps will start to actively promote subscriptions.
- Geolocation access (with permission) - we'll probably see delivery apps or something like Pokemon Go.
- Gyroscope access - mostly useful for racing. We'll see what developers come up with.
- Emoji miniApp in status - now will display an emoji of the miniApp you have running next to your nickname.
- Sending gifts - apps will now be able to send gifts, interesting integration!
- Extended message limits - miniApps will now be able to message more people, turns out there used to be limits.
- Advertising monetization - miniApp will show ads from Telegram, and the developer will get 50% of the income.
These are the kind of updates that await us. It's great that Telegram is actively developing miniApp, not just providing features and leaving developers without support.
❓ What do you think of the updates?
👍 - Cool, soon we won't need the App Store!
🔥 - It's all about making money