Anders Behring Breivik abuse / bullshit Part 2
So in summary of part 1
max sentence is bullshit
this human rights fight is ridiculous, an abuse and just a waste of money! exactly the next for parole ...
killing 77 people is bullshit!
Vigorexia and the mind like a terrorist is NOT considered at all!
Now let we check more
Han minner også om at både Breiviks besøksvenn - og Breivik selv
He also reminds that both Breivik's visiting friend - and Breivik himself
Just because someone visit Breivik, doesn't mean he is a friend, like working colleague ARE NOT FRIENDS! This has nothing to do with Breivik! Let we stop this bullshit "he is my friend", if this is not the case ...
Nerland understreker at sensuren er der for å hindre den høyreekstreme massedrapsmannen i å kommunisere med meningsfeller. Samtidig påpeker han at terroristen mottar brev fra flere personer, blant dem en kvinne i Frankrike som jevnlig skriver til ham.
Nerland emphasizes that the censorship is there to prevent the far-right mass murderer from communicating with like-minded people. At the same time, he points out that the terrorist receives letters from several people, including a woman in France who regularly writes to him.
Exactly like fans are not a friend! Plus like said, sending messages without control IS A NO GO IN PRISON, no matter if Breivik or someone other! ALL CALLS, MESSAGES, ETC. NEED CONTROLLED BY HUMANS / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PER DEFAULT!
WITHOUT ABUSING THAT! means if he is writing something personal, you read that BUT YOU DON'T SHARE THAT TO OTHER! Otherwise is a crime done by them!
Han er også svært kritisk til brevsensuren, som han mener har drastiske konsekvenser for terroristens liv
See next post
So in summary of part 1
max sentence is bullshit
this human rights fight is ridiculous, an abuse and just a waste of money! exactly the next for parole ...
killing 77 people is bullshit!
Vigorexia and the mind like a terrorist is NOT considered at all!
Now let we check more
Han minner også om at både Breiviks besøksvenn - og Breivik selv
He also reminds that both Breivik's visiting friend - and Breivik himself
Just because someone visit Breivik, doesn't mean he is a friend, like working colleague ARE NOT FRIENDS! This has nothing to do with Breivik! Let we stop this bullshit "he is my friend", if this is not the case ...
Nerland understreker at sensuren er der for å hindre den høyreekstreme massedrapsmannen i å kommunisere med meningsfeller. Samtidig påpeker han at terroristen mottar brev fra flere personer, blant dem en kvinne i Frankrike som jevnlig skriver til ham.
Nerland emphasizes that the censorship is there to prevent the far-right mass murderer from communicating with like-minded people. At the same time, he points out that the terrorist receives letters from several people, including a woman in France who regularly writes to him.
Exactly like fans are not a friend! Plus like said, sending messages without control IS A NO GO IN PRISON, no matter if Breivik or someone other! ALL CALLS, MESSAGES, ETC. NEED CONTROLLED BY HUMANS / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PER DEFAULT!
WITHOUT ABUSING THAT! means if he is writing something personal, you read that BUT YOU DON'T SHARE THAT TO OTHER! Otherwise is a crime done by them!
Han er også svært kritisk til brevsensuren, som han mener har drastiske konsekvenser for terroristens liv
See next post